Tracking Antenna Controller M3 End User Guide
Rev 1 Rework
NOTE: This documentation is for the test board. This board had an issue with the buck and will have a new revision. In the meantime, this board has been reworked so it can be powered from a power supply.
Power Instructions
Refer to this video for how to power it with the power supply
IMPORTANT: IT IS CRUCIAL YOU USE THE RIGHT VOLTAGE. Setting it to anything other than 5V will be bad and if you do that I will cry a little.
Alternatively, you can power it with another 5V power supply, such as a battery connected to a 5V buck. If you do so, make sure the supply can provide enough current. When idle, the board uses <100mA but to be safe, I recommend using something that can supply something at least 200mA and if you can then 500mA would be nice to be even safer. If you are using servos, it will draw significantly more current. The worst case servo current that this board allows (this would be under load) is 1.5A per servo, so with a safety margin I recommend finding something that can supply 6+ amps.
These are the important Seeeduino pins and what they are mapped to
Pin | Function |
D0/A0/GPIO2 | Battery Voltage Sense* |
D1/A2/GPIO3 | Servo 1 PWM |
D2/A2/GPIO4 | Servo 2 PWM |
D3/A3/GPIO5 | Servo 3 PWM |
* Note that due to the power system rework, the voltage sense does not sense the battery but rather I wired it to the power supply so it should mimic the voltage of that (5V). It is designed with a voltage divider so the voltage reading should not be 5V but you can use this to tune your code.
* Note there are multiple I2C output connectors but all outputs and the display use the same I2C bus.
You may refer to the images below to see what all pins are connected to or to see the position of the pins
Further Help
Feel free to ping @Ryan Scomazzon if you have questions!