Motor + Camera Mount


Big Project


Project Manager

Big Project


Project Manager

2024 Fixed Wing


@Alison Thompson

Task Description

Designing a mount for the front motor and FPV camera on the fixed wing plane.


To be written by the Project Manager. All constraints should be their own row of the table, if a constraint is removed it should be crossed out but left in the table. The append date is when the constraint was last updated (update this when constraints are removed!) DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PUBLISHING


Written By

Append Date


Written By

Append Date

Mount to the front of the plane’s frame, shaft facing forwards

@Alison Thompson

Jul 30, 2024

Mount facing forwards on the same part as the motor mount

@Alison Thompson

Jul 30, 2024

Mounts to existing frame plate

@Alison Thompson

Jul 30, 2024

As light as possible

@Alison Thompson

Jul 30, 2024

Mitigate vibration on camera if possible (this isn’t the top priority but nice to have)

@Alison Thompson

Jul 30, 2024

Relevant Contacts



Contact Description



Contact Description


@Evan Janakievski

For questions regarding the frame


@Daniel Puratich @Nathan Green

For questions regarding the camera and motor


@Smile Khatri

For questions related to the motor



Asana Task



Asana Task


@Arnav Gupta



Task Progression/Updates

Author: @Alison Thompson Date: Jul 30, 2024


I’m thinking of just a simple sheet metal plate with a right angle bend bolted to the 30.5x30.5mm grid on the frame, open to other ideas if you have them though!


Author: @Evan Janakievski Date: Sep 9, 2024

First Glance Notes

  • I am thinking the flanges on the side could be removed and the part could be squared off for weight savings. If we see it needs more stability could be added in the future

  • Will need to 3D print a mount for the camera that then mounts to this. Looks like there is space reserved above the motor for that currently. Vibrations may be a concern, but can be addressed later if a major issue

  • Not sure if there is more possibility for weight savings, which there may be but @Alison Thompson may have thoughts.


Author: @Alison Thompson Date: Sep 15, 2024

  • I agree with Evan, side flanges as implemented here aren’t really helping

  • How does the camera mount to this? a 3d print?

  • Can this be added to the fixed wing main assembly with the motor mated to it in the way you’re envisioning?

  • All corners should be filleted

  • idk simulations but @Evan Janakievski may be able to help with a sim to see if we can expect this to bend with no supports

  • can look at sheet metal or 3d printed braces to support the motor mount from behind if we expect it to bend

  • once in main assem and camera mount is in there we can see if we can reduce the height of the top flange/round it off

  • I think this part should be a part of the frame assembly, unless others oppose please move there and change naming accordingly

  • part should be the thickness of 14ga aluminum (~1.63mm) (that’s what we can bend)

  • make sure bend radius is at least equal to the material thickness


Author: @Evan Janakievski Date: Sep 15, 2024

  • Need to filet the corners on the mount once the design is finalized.

  • I prefer this squared off. I can adjust the plate of the frame if there is some overhang from this that causes issues

  • The flange the motor will be mounted to can be cut down and not be as thick. Whatever is necessary once you see the motor mated to it
