Tuesday January 24, 2023
General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):
Meeting times/
EFS Meeting: Tuesday 7-8 PM
General: Thursdays 8-9 PM
EFS Work Sessions: Tuesdays 8-9PM
Bootcamper Party was a success! EFS is getting tons of bootcampers every week!
Flight test was a success?!? Jan 22, 2023
In Person | Online |
Quick Links:
Meeting recording
PR’s and Reviews
Priorities & Action Items:
fill out team roster here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGBfnTPGSR_PkMcl-XrxltoGhgfnDmErNO390fO0g0ecRPwg/viewform
you must complete the training to work onsite. Deadline is Jan 31
W23 Buy List Coordination (Taim , Yuchen, Ryan, Simone, Hamza)
Operating Manuals & Procedures (FTC: Hardy ,, come back to @ end)
Updates this week!
(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)
ZeroPilot 3
ZP-Ardupilot Integration (anni, aadi, Alex, Neha)
needs mavlink messages to be defined. do this in the meeting [5m]
System Manager (Gordon, Stanley)
Merged PR to fix some messageQ issues (Caught by Stanley)
May fix hardfault issues seen during testing by Aidan
Stanley and Gordon reviewed PM ↔︎ SM integration code
Path Manager (neha, Liang)
Synced with Liang → will start waypoint following implementation
Documentation is updated now
Building PM → takeoff/landing done end of this week
Attitude Manager (Ishman, Armaan)
needs tuning
Anni had a quick meeting to let them know of what attitude manager is
Main task is to get Phoenix tuned
Deliverables: document on plan to get tuning done.
Telemetry Manager (aadi)
started on driver for CV, plan to get done today.
Sync to talk about LOS driver this week
Ardupilot ZP integ discussed
air to air can be very similar to air-ground in terms of los driver
LOS POS? (Mostafa, Chris)
tried to reconfigure
Maybe Armaan and Ishman can help out… also pratyush
LOS Link
Finally merged in!
LOS Actuators
PWM tested by anni before the start of the term
DSHOT still needs to be tested and we need to add DSHOT300 (currently at 150)
LOS Telem/comms (aadi, yuchen, hailey, alex)
Meeting this week, aadi will send out a lettucemeet
LOS_LOG has not started… driver is still in prototype repo and needs to be ported to L5
Drivers (lets try and get names added soon)
VN-300 (Chris)
Haven’t started testing yet
Stanley was testing by just sending UART commands over using the VN software
was not working when sending commands using the stm32
Neo M.8 (Ayoung, Hardy)
Started with shell code, planning on grinding some this week
Through the GUI, GPS is having a hard time connecting to satellite
airspeed (Hardy, Ayoung)
To be tested via a car and ported to LOS drivers
SD Card (Darwin)
port to L5
Mavlink? ()Tony/Alex
discussed in meeting
RFD900? (Los Telem/Comms team)
Aadi is currently testing using python script
Jetson? (Los Telem/Comms team)
same driver, discussed in meeting
Current/Voltage Sense (Aryan)
currently setting up ADC driver that can be converted to current and voltage sensor
Systems Tooling & Infra
Infra + Devops
team don’t exist, aadi doing some when he needs it
let us know if you are interested in working in this
Simulator (SIL) (Mostafa, Alex, Taim, ???)
Scope document: Guiding Questions
review as a team during meeting?
HIL (Hardware In the Loop) Controller (Yuchen, Mahir)
scope document: HIL Controller version 0.1.x
review as a team during meeting [10m]
Tracking Antenna
no one working on it rn, maybe kevin still?
One thread Wonder for comp???????
List of Open Tasks
optical flow sensor
Bidir DShot
SD Card Logging driver
USB Logging
Tracking Antenna?
Add IOC configuration on Main ZP