2023-09-19 Operations : Directors
@Georgia Westerlund @Daniel Puratich @Anthony Luo @Megan Spee
Operations bandwidth
Competition paper
Team roster scheming
Recruitment (bootcamp)
no bootcamp is interest
decent amount of people, unsure if people are up to stick around
if there was an ops bootcamp, what would it be
could do it like like EFS and break up multiple tasks people can choose from
building ops engagement is good and necessary
getting a feel for new people is tough
@Georgia Westerlund plz read Keep WARG Engaging!
Why are you doing WARG ? Fr question
It’s easier to get engaged if tasks are more planned out
if tasks are random it’s tough
make tasks very clear
Don’t bounce people around, keep stuff consistent
ops roadmap
comp paper
team roster
Model ideal is based on the general definition
To get people who are more interested
trying to recruit from AFM or similar programs
it’s rough
Wingchee & Georgia are carrying
Meetings feel like a monologue then delegating to herself
need more PMs
“nobody to delegate to”
Wingchee focused on finance and sponsorship and doing great
Easier to do things herself than to nag other people on tasks
People have good ideas, but don’t want to take on tasks
Ops is more strategic than other tasks nobody wants to do
its starting to feel like that as well
possibly comp paper should be taken off of ops
looking for more discussion / planning as to what is doable
more delegation required
if some of the side tasks
people don’t feel engaged bc they aren’t being given the bigger picture
cutting down on ops bandwidth
ops has a lot of general monitoring and maintenance?
Comp Paper
give to technical people to do sections
it’s a whoever is interested to do things,
setting up the template coordinating
ops should at least oversee document to an extent
support is needed
directors will lead comp paper ensuring stuff is going as planed
technical subteam will be responsible for tech information
ops will be responsible for template/structure then ops pulls a review after
we want ops to help with making it presentable and look nice
technical sub-teams will produce the images & content, the bulk text
directors will ensure everyone does what's needed
think that's reasonable?
ledge requires rework
sponsorship package updates?
Critical tasks
Sponsorship tracking
bringing people up to speed on things is more important than most of the nice to haves
Nice to have
sponsorship package
possibly not presentable currently so this is gating us from reaching out to new sponsors
new sponsors
most of these are made by Daniel and are low priority asf (because most people don’t care)
Don’t want ops to be the team that does shit nobody else wants to do
saying no to shit
the precedent for ops needs to change
last ops meeting Anni was at felt like Georgia was bouncing a lot of things
Emailling for competition should be directors?