2023-12-19 Aadi Exit Interview
@Anthony Luo @Daniel Puratich @Aaditya Chaudhary
Stepping Down bc
fourth year is a lot of work
felt burn out this term
became lead start of summer term (right after comp) replaced Anni
lead for two terms
one of them (this term) was onsite
onboarding experience
was never onboarded
handed over passwords
Is trying to do more stuff for next efs leads, letting them run meetings & have more freedom
recently EFS has tried to keep leadership very open
feels like the leadership transition is pretty gradual for the new EFS leads
this is the biggest annoyance
Leads meeting
skipped a bunch this term, not a big
Onsite vs offsite
easier to be involved in onsite
easier to stay in loop
not a big difference
Work impact
leadership is more about steering things and giving advice
lot of EFS people are very self sufficient and can take general goals all the way through
pretty important personally to Aadi
aadi been on team since sept 2020 (3 years)
it’s taken a backseat with respect to the team
will never stack up to ardupilot
pretty depressing
decent chance Aadi will graduate before we consider ZP viable
Team direction
have directors given direction to leads?
EFS is currently kind of decoupled so historically didnt need a lot of direction
as EFS becomes more comp tied more direction will be required
skipping meeting
just bc its tough term for aadi school wise
majority is not tied to comp
besides tracking ant
lot of stuff EFS doesnt rlly need to be discussed
generally meetings stayed on time and were well structured
dodged lots of meanningless arguements
next efs leads support
bigest problem is not enough work
dont need as many people as they have
can only throw so many people at a problem
aadi this term hard committing to no more rewrites
zp has been rewritten so many times in the past
lot of projects are meaningless so not a lot of stuff to hand out to people
people join for experience, we need to give them work
had some idea generation meetings
lot of projects take time and not rlly people
is there enough mentorship to start more projects?
aadi not fully leaving just stepping down as lead
lots of cots projects are out of lot of leads knowledge
hard to assign out tasks that nobody rlly understands
have to hope that person becomes the expert
making investments for future in terms of knowledge
example rtk gps stuff
Project generation
EFS is limitted by what they can assign
realistically can only do software stuff
need more electrical stuff to facilitate projects
LED stuff
EE gated in Aadi’s eyes
(tho we’ve acc selected micro etc)
CAN control board
EE gated
cant rlly do anything till EE goes into it
tracking ant is good idea
mech, ee, efs,
good project
suitable work for all aspects
if it’s just EFS coming up with projects its going to be random
bc limited in what they can do
EFS gets a shit ton of new members
EE has less bootcampers
could do more things like Houston
more discussion with EE
people want to learn firmware
we cant rlly ask people to do more integration and planning
plans with EE should be discussed at meetings
worst feeling is starting something then realizing its not viable and killing it, very demoralizing
most rlly beneficial projects require EE or mech support
Sysint team
having a sysint team was kinda weird
sysint was just like project managers but people would get parachuted in as new members so it was kind of weird
instead of sysint having the PMs as an owner for the project who knows most about the project, attends meetings, does the architecture and cross subteam stuff
makes no sense to parachute people in
PMs should be evaluated by leads:
show up to meetings
do work
PMs require experience to do architecture
people only get experience by being thrown in the hot seat
leadership roles can be taught to technical people
leadership roles tough to hand to people who dont get technical stuff
example of this not working is someone was promoting to PM of something as a one person team but he kind of disapeared at end of term, wasnt replying to dms and stuff, and they needed his input on stuff, aidan and ayoung had to replace him and it was hard
usually this works though
worked well for Derek
most leads should evaluate PMs, we dont rlly need a sysint team
uni students need to learn time management anyways