2024-09-17 Leads Meeting


  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

  • @Daniel Puratich

  • @Nathan Green

  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Smile Khatri

  • @Ryan Scomazzon

  • @Hardy Yu

  • @Emma Chan

  • @Derek Tang

  • @Tong Zhang

  • @Megan Spee

  • @Aaron Wang


  • Please announce WARG x Orbital x Midnight Sun social on Friday at 7 PM in E7 2409!

Weekly Updates

  • @Daniel Puratich Subteam specific socials

    • not a lot of interest in doing this

      • maybe worth trying

    • doing stuff informal after work sessions is chill

  • AEAC Thoughts

    • full CONOPs released (see link in discord)

    • Alberta is three days drive or flight

      • few people regardless

      • driving requires hotels and gas

      • flying we need to rent the cars as well and transporting the stuff

    • challenge this year is very different

    • we did well last year

  • SUAS Thoughts

    • full conops not until October

      • this is really late, all of mech will be off-stream next term which will make things tough with a late conops

      • this is a massive roadblock

    • preview was suppost to come out yesterday, i guess it could be anytime this week …

    • in maryland so closer

    • more teams, international, US licensing, likely more challenging

  • Other comps we can’t do

  • Cost Breakdown between the two?

    • not really needed

  • POR

    • We are doing AEAC 2025.

  • Next comp cycle

    • fixing everyone being on one stream

      • lot of friends

      • hard to recruit on other stream

      • lack of pilots off-stream is a huge challenge

  • Advisor Role

  • Should we consider bringing back the “Senior Member” role

    • want to make the distinction between graduates/ex-WARG members and ex-leads that are still involved in the team

    • was discontinued because nobody was really using it

    • people that are graduated should be treated differently

    • permissions for #logins channel

    • advisor suggests that you loose authority

    • “retired lead”

    • not everyone wants to PM or become deep in management but we still want a promotion

    • senior member is a good way to encourage people to popoff and take responsibility but it’s hard to quantify and useless besides for show so for little incentive for it

    • letting ex-leads keep their channels with the advisor role is kind of a way to keep them interested and dont want them to feel like theyre missing all the new stuff

  • changes

    • “leads-logins” has the bitwarden

      • this is one we really need to control

      • senior member doesn't give this ← wont implement this yet

    • “room-codes” has the room codes

      • senior member gets this

    • “director-private” channel that excludes all advisors

  • discuss this in discord later, next leads meeting