Thursday Oct 20, 2022

General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):

  • still in stand-down

  • Anyone wanna do some sysint style stuff and help us talk to CV → PM Data & Groundside Data.



In-Person: (100% facecam)

PR’s and Reviews

Updates this week!

(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)

Phoenix Tuning

  • will be starting soon

    • yuchen starting on sunday earliest. Not sure if code finished. Will double check with Jack.

  • need someone to verify code on port.

ZeroPilot 3

Path Manager

  • Finished defining FSM, prioritizing getting takeoff/landing manager working with the rest of PM

  • where is the confluence link neha .-.

  • Takeoff/landing initial implementation being added

    • Gordon still has a bit more math work

    • Reference frame set

    • Progress!

Attitude Manager

  • FSM defined → working on implementation.

  • LOS Requirements:

    • LOS Link & LOS Actuators defined (where link?)

Telemetry Manager


Systems Tooling & Infra

Infra + Devops

  • @Ishman Mann now in charge of docker & ssh setup. Can probably also help us figure out some more integration stuff.


  • Matlab/simulink chosen?

  • getting familiar with it before tackling simulator

Comms Emulator

  • @Jack Greenwood

Priorities next week:

  • TUNE Phoenix


Team Member Updates


  • AM FSM Defined

  • Looking into TDD for new ZeroPilot repository.


  • Added a bunch of Takeoff/Landing stuff with Neha

    • Still have some math to update

  • Defined reference frame and documented it.


  • Starting work on comms emulator

  • Working with Yuchen to get PID tuning up and running

  • Finalizing what I need for comms emulator development

  • Assisting Yuchen with attitude manager

  • Beginning work on fixed wing controls


  • Need to talk with @Christopher Chung about refactoring the SD card driver to make it more user-friendly and “compatible” with LOS

  • Need to test the SD card driver on L5 board (next Thu/Fri after midterms )

Yuchen Lin

  • need to redo the pwm output for the and will be testing it next week

  • need to take a look at the aadi xbee communication library and perform the RFD 900 range test and drop package test next week.



  • Finished defining FSM, prioritizing getting takeoff/landing manager working with the rest of PM


  • Worked with Mostafa to come up with architecture proposal for simulator

  • Learning MATLAB/Simulink to get familiar with the program (Simulink is chosen for simulator)

Action Items

@Anthony Luo Oct 19, 2022

Things to look out for!

  • fw procurement order placed