Autonomy 2023-2024 Goals & Milestones

Comp Projects

  • Imacs

  • QR scanning + GCS Integration

  • Jetson / Auto-Landing → Airside System

  • Object detection/classification

Non-Comp Projects


  • LIDAR(s)

QR Code Scanning + GCS Integration:

end goal

  • Have a QR Code scanning module that can be run air or ground-side and interface with all of WARG’s Autonomy Repo’s, integrate with GCS Solution to send mavlink messages to create autonomous missions


  • QR Scanner (complete, untested)

  • DroneKit to interface with mission planner (goal for done by July 16th)

integration painers

  • Works on ground station laptop

  • Progress not being made?

    • nobody on-site to test on WARG Hardware

    • getting people familiar with dronekit + mission planner

    • no well defined plan/interfaces for project

Milestones / Check-INs


  • Mid-july:

    • Dronekit interface works

    • QR Scanner tested

    • Test in SITL (goal for done by July 16th)

  • Early Aug:

    • Flight test?

  • EOT S23 this works.

Mavlink Integration: GCS 4 comp

  • able to interface with OTS or custom GCS & send mavlink messages

end goal

  • be able to setup AUTO missions using Mission Planner or custom GCS software. (Task #1 or #2 this term)


  • Testing on hardware

  • Finding edge cases (like geofence issue @ comp)

integration painers

  • need airframe that can carry large px w/gps (waypoint capable)

    • w/telemetry

  • need ground station computer

Milestones / Check-INs

  • 2 months : communicate w/the drone over telemetry & GCS using python script

  • EOT (4 months): simple auto missions using script (uploading next waypoints, etc)

    • generating mission files & uploading / running mission files.

  • November: start to finish auto mission w/ability to restart mission after pilot takeover (see task #2 comp debrief).

  • This has been integrated into the QR code + GCS stuff

Jetson: Working Jetson System

  • Jetson working & supported & documented

    • Xierumeng documentation popoff

  • Able to communicate with competition system

end goal

  • Landing pad model integrated successfully onto the Jetson.

    • Landing pad detection worked on July 9th flight test

  • Jetson able to communicate over MAVLink or Telemetry link

    • DroneKit-python api confluence documentation

    • The DroneKit API provides a high-level interface for communication with drones using the MAVLink protocol, which is a lightweight messaging protocol specifically designed for communication between ground control stations and autonomous vehicles. The API abstracts away the low-level details of MAVLink communication and provides an intuitive set of commands and functions to interact with the drone.


  • Integrating dronekit into cv system

    • Communication over telemetry

  • Testing geolocation module

  • Testing navigation to coordinates

  • Testing gaussian mixture module? → detect which part of ground has or does not have landing pad.

integration painers

  • Jetson w/CV Camera

  • Jetson w/Comp ZP (drivers code complete but untested?)

  • Test Airframe capable of carrying payload

Milestones / Check-INs

  • CV Camera + Jetson working

  • Jetson + ZP3 Working

  • Camera + Jetson on testing drone.


  • Modules done by EOT.

Yolo Object Detection:

  • working / supported / annotated ability to collect data, train data, and be deployed on live datasets

end goal

  • see Jetson


integration painers

Milestones / Check-INs

Imacs Revamp : Not Critical For Competition

end goal

  • Have tested GUI

  • not possible to create GUI that replaces ardupilot. needs to run alongside ardupilot.

  • This is more of a task for newer members and doesn’t seem as useful as the others


  • Figuring out data

  • Test

  • Work on GUI


integration painers

  • working device that sends mavlink packets. (simulator or real hardware).

Milestones / Check-INs


  • 2mo 4mo: e2e prototype (small, but needs to be e2e)

    • get info from simulator, and show on GUI



end goal

  • Participate in the conference and present what we have been working on


  • Look out for registration and plan how we want to present the stuff we have been working on for competition

  • making a presentation and a booth

  • showcase what warg has been doing

    • yolov8 model we made

    • integration into jetson

    • progress on extrapolating that into autolanding

integration painers

  • Big question is how much effort is this to participate in it

    • can use this for outreach in other places too?

Milestones / Check-INs

  • 2mo: None

    • applications haven’t openned up yet as of early july

  • 4mo: Look out for conference registration

  • 6mo: Have registration completed and plan our presentation


end goal




integration painers

  • It’s either pick something for autonomy to dev with or pick something that works in ardupilot, there aren’t options that do both. we need to look into this, more concerned with other projects.


Milestones / Check-INs



Spring 2023

Fall 2023

Winter 2024