Misc. Research Dump

Misc. Research Dump

A page to dump research links & info that don’t exactly belong to the other two pages.

TX16 V2 schematics (attached below): Could try to decipher these to verify TX16 to Gemini PCB connection.

Gemini PCB Firmware (Github): GitHub - JyeSmith/ExpressLRS at gemini Good place to look at for firmware for the Gemini PCB, it’s basically a fork of the ELRS GitHub with the Gemini firmware (the ELRS GitHub has merged it mostly, but it might be easier to find/pick apart from here)

ELRS Setup Guide (https://oscarliang.com/setup-expresslrs-2-4ghz/#ExpressLRS-24GHz-Hardware-Selection ): A comprehensive guide to setting up and flashing firmware to setup ELRS on a radio transmitter. Following this guide is very helpful for understanding how firmware is supposed to be uploaded to the transmitter board

ELRS Update Guide (Typical Updating Steps - ExpressLRS ): More in depth guide for updating a TX over UART and WiFi, can give more info/context not given in the guide above


The following are measurements taken with a caliper of the JR bay on on the TX16


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