2022 - 03 - 29 (Tuesday March 29, 2022)
General Team Status Overview (includes other subteams):
Drone blew up in testing. Will require coordination from Mech to create proper harness.
PR’s and Reviews
Dshot by Chrisc110 · Pull Request #167 · UWARG/efs-zeropilot
Telemetry Manager Restructure by YashrajN · Pull Request #165 · UWARG/efs-zeropilot
Telemetry Manager Restructure by YashrajN · Pull Request #165 · UWARG/efs-zeropilot
Path manager restructure by Gongsta · Pull Request #157 · UWARG/efs-zeropilot
first draft by enjineerMan · Pull Request #29 · UWARG/embedded-bootcamp - BOOTCAMP DAVID WANG
https://github.com/UWARG/embedded-bootcamp/pull/32 - BOOTAMP JJ DOLEWEERD
(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)
In Person:
Test continues?
Anni currently has covid…(since monday?).
Team Member Updates
IMU not verified :(((.
To try
confirm i2c waveform/triggering (maybe I just messed something up). → not getting read handshake?
has waveforms from Aidan.
Try using SPI
BMX160 works on Arduino?
MPU 6050 seems to work over i2c, not sure why bmx does not work.
will begin tuning on this…
Testing on site for IMU.
Starting grabber controls/interface.
currently doesn’t have an interface? (linear actuators && relay)
might go in after work tomorrow to test.
Reviewed all outstanding bootcamps
Small review on PM stuff
there's a mismatch between the bytes being sent and the format that fw expects. So we just need to figure out why that's happening and fix it
Mainly worked on DMA knowledge base - what it is, general implementation, etc.
Chatted with Steven about DMA implementation on interchip
Will ask Steven and help with DMA initialization
Finished importing VN library, finished initializing everything.
Having trouble setting up the board && stm32ide.
Working on ZP Breakout (not nucleo)
2 commits pushed (check PR)
Manav, Neha, Aadi
Worked together to get draft PR up for Path manager
Worked together to get more states and classes done
Worked on interchip stuff in the bay, ran into some issues with CubeIDE
Plan to talk to Anthony and continue testing and development
Yashraj Nagpal
Helping resolve miscommunication on comms side regarding padding issue/mismatch
Absent Updates
Current Task Distribution
Things to look out for!
Flight by eow 2 march.
Please leave info below so we can add you to zeropilot team.
Name | GitHub Username | |
Aidan Bowers | Aidan-B | abowers@uwaterloo.ca |
Anthony Luo | antholuo | a26luo@uwaterloo.ca |
Yashraj Nagpal | YashrajN | y2nagpal@uwaterloo.ca |
Christopher Chung | Chrisc110 | tps90067@gmail.com |
Kaveet Grewal | kgrewal26 | kaveetgrewal@gmail.com |
Manav Patel | manav2002 | pmanav2002@gmail.com |