2022 - 06 - 06 (Monday June 06, 2022)

General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):

  • Project Phoenix (Testing Drone) Props / Motors Chosen.

  • ZP3 MCU Chosen to be STM32L562ZET6Q

  • Video TX/RX Meeting Wednesday @ 1900.

  • Team Stand-down June 11-17 (next week).

    • do we still want a meeting then? - Will still run a work session, meeting likely not required

  • Requirements specced out for emulator board


PR’s and Reviews

  • Hardfault Shutdown in PR. Waiting for hardware testing.

Updates this week!

(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)

Priorities next week:

  • IMU/DShot/SF On ZP Port

  • Telemetry Working on ZP Port.

On the horizon (once we get ZP Flying)

  • Containerized FW Development setups

  • Easy setup groundstation

  • RC-Link testing

  • Integrating sensor drivers into ZP Port

  • MATLAB Sim

Team Member Updates





  • Need someone in-person to test DShot and IMU on ZP Port.

    • The earlier the better



Things to look out for!

  • Next flight test when? Still need flight test coordinator…
