2022 - 07 - 11 (Monday July 11, 2022)

General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):

  • Bay cleanup (thanks Daniel)

  • Gordon + Tony + Aidan + Dhruv prepped for flight test today

PR’s and Reviews

  • Hardfault Shutdown in PR. Waiting for hardware testing.

  • PID Threads PR (David)

  • PathMan PR (Neha)

Updates this week!

(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)

Priorities next week:

  • SF port - almost done (~ 50%, mostly linker).

  • Telemetry Working on ZP Port.


Team Member Updates

Anthony L

  • On SF

  • working on bay organization plans


  • First Phoenix Flight Tonight

  • Plan next Phoenix flights

  • Misc. On-site testing as people need


  • going to test max size of xbee packet


  • frame, mission planner setup, flight test!


  • TM and LOS_Comms & LOS_Telem interfaces almost done

    • Missing calls to cv & ground comms drivers, will need to co-ordinate


  • going thru PM fixes on PR


  • PID thread testing still in progress

  • Stuck in Hal_delay() because tick isn’t updating/systick handler needs to be implemented


  • Still working on Gimbal refactoring. Worked with Dhruv at last in-person work session.

  • Will get button input finished shortly, then begin working on formatting the sensor data into PPM.

  • Order switches?


  • bootcamp is going ok?


  • still working on bootcamp


  • Talked with JJ about emulator, discussed implementation plan

  • Wasn’t able to finish VN300 driver bec of a school lab I spent way too much time on

    • DEFINITELY will finish by this week to start testing

Things to look out for!

  • crying….

  • Flight Test Final Prep

  • Phoenix First Flight (After the meeting)