2023-01-15 Electrical Team Visions and Next Steps

a) Lead Retention and New Learning Opportunities

  • EE wants to take it towards more R&D role


  • Kevin

    • Daniel, Kevin are at a point where they have confidence and background to set goals and hit deadlines

    • Things will succeed will single-person ownership of boards

    • Now at a position after Lance left where we can learn

    • Wasn’t getting the learning experience he was looking for based on the projects we were working on

  • Ethan

    • Has to step in and complete tasks when the other members aren’t able to complete this, causing issues

Projects keep on getting dragged on, because effort is fragmented


b) Current Program Timelines and How we Plan to Achieve this

  • ZP3 Main Board - timeline is fine

    • Assembly

    • Testing and Validation

  • ZP3 Interface -

    • Design

    • Assembly

    • Testing and Validation


c) New Initatives we have the budget and people power for

  • Want to expand on subsystems that are very reasonable

  • Current EE Projects:

    • For competition

      • Buzzer arm/disarm board

      • Interface boards

      • PDB (COTS)

    • Post-Competition

      • 4-in-1 ESC

      • BMS
