2023-05-29 AEAC2024<unnamed> Aircraft Sync Minutes

2023-05-29 AEAC2024<unnamed> Aircraft Sync Minutes

Meeting overview

Meeting to discuss state of Competition Aircraft big quad.

  • Requirements re-view.

  • Sensor mounting requirements review.

  • Preliminary frame designs & layout discussion? (tbd)

 Open action items


 Meeting minutes



Asana Links



Asana Links

Airframe model - mechanical side

  • Models getting put together, will be reviewed @ next week’s sync

    • To present to other sub-teams - gather feedback

    • This date may change based on progress as

Landing gear decisions - 2 different designs that will be assessed/evaluated for performance /weight differences

Sensor docs look good to get started on mounting

Base platform for mounting - grid of holes design for ease of placing things (m3 holes spaced __ mm apart?)

  • different method of mounting, where the mount only requires a locating pin and is otherwise held on mechanically with a ledge (or similar)

    • easy to take out and put back

    • may be hard to integrate with a carbon fiber plate

    • additional weight?

Grid pattern at the beginning → when things are solid in place, if that occurs, we can re-cut a plate with the correct holes and cut off some 3D print mount weight

  • does this cut out the mounts entirely?

  • might still need 3D print interfaces between mount:plate



  1. adjustable pattern that requires specialized mounts to interface sensors:plate, means sensors can be moved

    1. 12 g is a 3D print case for ESCs

    2. Weight is lots

    3. Combining mounts?

  2. easily-accessible sensors/electronics than can be removed with a pin/screw and slid out, mechanical options for holding it to the frame w/o bolts to unscrew

  3. weight minimization, cutting out only the intended locations of where things should be


Seek common mounting patterns to optimize the sensor mounting hole base pattern

  • see Daniel’s mounting pattern document


** CONOPS will be out in sept, this will change where things are mounted **


Emechtrical - electronics and motors updates

How many motors to buy? ~6?



board/electronics mounting notes

  • No need to centre the PDB

    • easy location to tell if its on fire

  • Center the flight controller and the IMU

What connectors to use? - Bullet between ESCS, motors?

  • screwing wires into the PBD vs

ESC location depends on drone configuration:

  • all motor wires run to centre of drone, where ESCs are located in the middle?

  • mount ESCs under the motors?

    • bullet connectors go under the motors

    • potentially ripping pads off ESC if the bullet connector wires are too short

    • ESC being on a high damage location - also, 3D printed mounts are failure points already


CAD Mockups for different options. Decide whether or not ESC’s / high power stuff should be easily accessible.




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