2023-07-10 AEAC2024<unnamed> Aircraft Sync Minutes

2023-07-10 AEAC2024<unnamed> Aircraft Sync Minutes

Meeting overview

Meeting to discuss state of Competition Aircraft big quad.

  • Timeline recap

  • Integration recap

  • EE Clarity



  • Daniel

  • Michael

  • Nathan

  • Conall

  • Arjun

  • Megan

  • Anni

  • Mena

  • Neel

The Weekly Recap

Flight Tests:

  • Vanny SUCCESSFULLY completed auto-tune

  • Noticed thrust loss on Motor 3 after Battery Failsafe → Investigation ongoing.

    • This is (not) expected behaviour.

  • CV Landing pad detection works.

  • RTK GPS not tested airside

    • works on the ground

New arrivals

  • HERE RTK GPS Base stations here.

  • Carbon Fiber tubes here.

 Open action items

@Anni to look at static load testing

@Conall Kingshott Composites stuff never properly setup, not a problem that we had not given to him, Graeme figuring everything out and then letting us know. Composite manufacturing in the next two weeks.

 Meeting minutes

Frame Updates


Composites in the next two weeks, before midsun gets it in (midsuns stuff is massive and takes a while)

  • Try and get as many people in the room as possible.

Frame updates

  • Starting on landing gear prints

  • MCMaster Carr order for standoff stuff & miscellaneous items.

  • Talking to Les (machinist). Will likely have to do a lot of this ourselves and then send it off to him to finish (battlebots causing issues).

Sensor Updates

  • RTK GPS? Has antenna and control box.

    • One M9N, one RTK.

    • Mechanically identical, mounting pattern is the same.

    • will remain on posts (similar to vanny, except further).

RF updates

  • Need notch filters? 5W video very much stepping on other freqs? not sure…. currently investigating

  • Could get SDRPlays. (RSP1A → to be acquired)

Motor 3-phase connectors


Battery PDB Distribution


  • How are batteries going to be arranged in series/parallel?

    • Scuffed diagram that needs explanation of potential implementation for three 12S batteries

  • How will our board support this layout?

  • Thoughts:

    • 2 PM02D’s (2 banks of batteries), parallel after. Potentially on either side of the battery.

    • Junction point closer to the edge of the board (away from the pixhawk).

Airside Electrical Layout


  • Where each component goes needs to be added to the architecture document.

  • Need selection of proper wire gauges, types, etc.

    • https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/wire-gauges-d_419.html

    • For Battery connections, 8 AWG can be used to handle 75A continuous (maybe a little lower if stranded)

      • Stranded likely needed in order to have the required flexibility

      • Two power modules in parallel, two banks of batteries in parallel.

    • For motor connections, each motor draws around 15A (determined when discussing MT-30s)

      • 14 AWG wire (24A) should be enough for ESC connections to PDB

  • Wire gauge for sensors

  • Crimpers

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