2023-06-26 Command & Control Sync
Meeting overview
Meeting to discuss all aspects of the command & control system for AEAC 2024
Tracking Antenna (hardware)
ELRS Configuration (including gemini, airport, etc)
Ground-station software & scripting
Table of Contents
- 1.1 Meeting overview
- 2 Table of Contents
- 2.1 Meeting minutes & decision log
- 2.2 Tracking Antenna Updates
- 2.2.1 Mechanical
- 2.2.2 Software
- 2.2.3 Electrical
- 2.3 Gemini Updates
- 2.3.1 Electrical
- 2.4 Command Software Updates
- 2.4.1 Autonomy
- 2.4.2 Embedded Flight Software
Meeting minutes & decision log
< to be filled out during the meeting >
Tracking Antenna Updates
Item | Notes |
Introduction @Arjun Mandair | Topics of Discussions
Current Design Photos & Videos @Arjun Mandair | Picture of the Current Design For Patch Antenna Tracker Patch Antenna Tracker View 1 Patch Antenna Tracker View 2
Patch Antenna View 3
Potential Changes
Battery and Receiver Changes Proposal
Previous Design of Antenna Tracker for Yagi Antennas
Questions @Arjun Mandair |
“Flat Plate” of Antenna Tracker
New Constraints / Conclusions / Rough Notes | going for 2-3 weeks for a prototype that can rotate |
@Yuchen Lin to fill out
mavlink passthrough in progress
planning to port neo m8 and bmx 160 driver to f401, and develop the motor control algorithm
create an integration test code and ready for test flight
@nolan haines or @Hardy Yu to fill out
Yuchen solders the perf board for integrating the Nucleo and all the peripheral connections.
Gemini Updates
@Michael Botros
Schematic phase
Deadlines assigned in Asana
If mech needs to design anything/ provide anything, please get that to mech leads within 1~2 weeks
Command Software Updates
working with DART MAVLink library. working on getting data telemetry setup.
two parts: reading from serial (get data from drone → in actual flight test), also reading from TCP so you can read mavlink from mock mission planner. → test gui without testing on actual drone
when GUI starts up → need to request data to listen to and then you’ll get that stream of messages.
need to test and confirm.
Xierumeng able to use mock missions & wireshark to read mavlink messages? → did not make a request to receive those messages.
Mission Planner itself is requesting certain information && that info is forwarded blindly to GUI.
QR Code → Auto Mission
Possible to not work with MP?
MP uses python2.7 (old).
At end of comp → script generates a file, and then you manually add the file into mission planner. (does not count as autonomy)
Embedded Flight Software