2023-06-11 Michael/Farris ELRS Sync
@Farris Matar
@Michael Botros
Wifi/Bluetooth Research: Wifi/Bluetooth: Research & Suggested Parts
Investigate viability of backpack:
Is it needed to have both ESP-01F (backpack) and ESP32-Pico (main MCU)
Ask in discord ELRS and watch videos (research)
Figure what communication looks like between ESP32-Pico and TX16 (4 pin connector, likely UART)
Figure out firmware update over UART for ESP-32 (only if we need the ESP-01F)
Figure out antenna for ESP ICs, (PCB antenna modules? custom designed? coax to an external antenna?)
ESP32-PICO (SOIC chip, need to make own PCB antenna & USB-UART bridge)
ESP32-WROVER (module, has its own PCB antenna, still need USB-UART bridge)
ESP32 Dev board (may or may not have antenna, has USB-UART bridge)
Best to avoid COAX to an external antenna, only need short range for WiFi OTA updates
Metal covering over the E28 module that uses the SX1280
Is this for rf shielding or cooling?
Is having the IC exposed detrimental to the functioning of the ELRS Gemini board?
Does the IC get very hot due to transmission power?
Can buy RF shields that snap onto an enclosure/IC from Digikey (i.e. https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/laird-technologies-emi/BMI-S-201-C/2175914?utm_adgroup=General&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PMax Shopping_Product_Zombie SKUs&utm_term=&productid=2175914&gclid=CjwKCAjw4ZWkBhA4EiwAVJXwqX77l5XI10K03bkxgCYocS9uNIyNB_qLPDlDfj62V3XRn8xrqxVu7hoC3Q0QAvD_BwE)
Next steps:
Figure if shielding is necessary [MB]
Ties in to code, figure out firmware for SX1280 [MB]
Is it needed to have both ESP-01F (backpack) and ESP32-Pico (main MCU) [FM]
Ask in discord ELRS and watch videos (research)
Figure what communication looks like between ESP32-Pico and TX16 (4 pin connector, likely UART) [FM]
Figure out firmware update over UART for ESP-32 (only if we need the ESP-01F) [FM]