2023-07-08 Michael/Farris ELRS Sync

@Farris Matar

@Michael Botros


Action Items:

  • Figure out connector for TX16

    • Use placeholders for now to prevent blocking layout

    • Asking in the ELRS server how the connector works, what the pinout is, does have to connect to something internal to the TX16 controller

  • Find simple placeholder connectors for fan (3 pin header perhaps)

  • Need to reach out to mechanical about making physical JR module case

  • Pick a fan similar to other JR modules

  • 5 pin header to connect to TX16 may need connector replacement or some sort of RPP

  • Put DNC for the 5V on the TX16 connector

  • Put TVS diodes on TX16 connector

  • No overcurrent protection rlly needed

  • Ask about 2 PCB antennas on the ELRS server for both ESP ICs