2023-07-20 Leads Meeting Minutes
- Anthony Luo
- Megan Spee
July 26 (prob last one this term)
Announcements, socials, etc.
New slide deck!
Social ideas? - fun things to do in general Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
patch design!
water guns/ balloons?
not nice for enviro/plant ops
nerf guns?
humans vs zombies org
warg dodgeball
New leads?
any subteam that will require new leads, please start asking people
potential mech onsite rep - someone working @ watimake next term!
team structure feedback
will be having a meeting/sync on this before next term, all feedback is important!
integration ramp-up for comp // fall term timeline planning (room booking, etc.)
need to book rooms - regular times for syncs
comp airframe sync - weekly
command and control sync - weekly
flight test sync - maybe merge w/ comp airframe?
integration milestones and big timelining.
airframe complete EOT spring/BOT fall
definitive testing/plans/verification?
subteams to come up with milestones for critical components, systems checks… will aid the integration timeline
e.g. QR code scanning, mavlink stuff, static rig testing
Waterloo SAE Aero team - definitive plan of action?
new UW team with goal to design an airframe (planes). Different classes in the SAE Aero competition. 70 teams, ‘international' - mostly US/CAN?
different goals to warg
however, competes with mechanical team - composites and aero specialization
convo with them about merging to combine strengths? - emailed a few days ago
also competes with funding - work towards sharing knowledge/resources with them
Directors/SDC (teertstra) have EOT syncs- will mention this at sync
even going international on WARG would go towards AUVSI SUAS (https://suas-competition.org/ ) need to get cracked first
not SAE aero like watarrow is going towards
@Megan Spee
passwords will be scrambled, including all main ones (all emails, etc)
rollover from last term, none of the passwords in lastpass were changed before getting ported to bitwarden- they all still match
also to simulate an expiry date on access (old leads, people who used to have access but don’t need to anymore)
No actual contact WARG discord communication from hamza for approx 2 months, just gonna remove his lead perms at this point
Ops leadership heading forward
Wingchee for PM?
Reviewing Purchase Protocol - 5 minutes speed run
Internal Purchase Protocol (ARCHIVE)
leave comments if anything is unclear!
combining WEEF/our spreadsheet-- doesn’t update as fast as we’d like :| , so maybe will not integrate the WEEF sheet directly to purchase protocol
@Ethan Abraham , @Ayoung Eun
WARG, Orbital, MidSun members
need to let the organizer know the headcount-- need to coordinate this w/ Orbital + MidSun for this, they’re feeding the attendees
Sept 28 thursday, time TBD
2023-07-17 Tesla x UW Meeting notes
Envelopes get delivered to Sara(h)
Boxes get sent to bay