2023-07-31 Operations Meeting Minutes
Georgia Westerlund
Taim Al-Dabbagh
Wingchee W
Jul 31, 2023
@Georgia Westerlund
@Megan Spee
@Anthony Luo
@Wingchee Wen (Deactivated)
@Taim Al-Dabbagh
@Ryan Chan
Last Operations meeting of the term!
New Ops meeting time?
Saturday at 2 PM?
Mondays at 6:30 PM?
Start working on F23 Ops Roadmap: OPS Roadmap F23
New Ops Bootcamp in progress
Book room for next general meeting?
New excel sheet
user friendly
does not integrate google forms, too much difficulty
people can do entries in this manually
Need to maintain the WEEF spending with WEEF’s internal sheet
Outlook folders: made to store procurement emails and EMS purchases. Warning: emails disappear from inbox after being put into a specific folder
Published internal purchase protocol and E3 MS instruction Confluence pages.
Made an Excel sheet to help me stay organized with the discord #ops-purchase-req messages, whether they have sent us an email, filled out the ledger, etc. Reimbursement or Procurement - Chat Records.xlsx
Discuss about pre-existing financial issues and what to follow up with Sarah
Competition food reimbursement - individuals have sent the documents to us only. We would then send them to Sarah.
External sponsorships?
MEF Sponsorship Presentation: no response yet from MEF director. Lesson: For next semester, ask at an early time (2-3 weeks into semester)what the timeline is because they can likely mess up with the logistics of the MEF sponsorship presentation.
Check on MEF website for proposal submission deadline, details: Project Funding Proposal Form | Mathematics Endowment Fund | University of Waterloo (uwaterloo.ca)
Logo relaunch update: S23 Logo Relaunch
SDC Directory update happening this week
Facebook (still no access)
F23 Social Media Pipeline
Plan posts to keep engagement high during first weeks of term
New graphics: General meeting reminders, workshops
YouTube channel ideas for roadmapping/planning into the fall and winter terms - still WIP
competition recaps
build logs
project updates?
airframe reveal videos
Website redesign for the fall?
need to add a template for blog style posts
Signed up for Engineering Orientation Student Team Showcase
Workshops for new members?
Drop-in help sessions for bootcamps?
Find more discord servers (CAGE, enviroment, health) to spam more recruitment message. Thinking to start spamming next term, dont think now is the best time
Make a survey for F23 WARG Social Ideas?
Jacket interest form announced at general last week
5 respondents
F23 Merch interest form (?)
Announce jacket form on Discord