2023-08-15 End of term recap / next term planning


This meeting will go over the progress of the term, things we did well, things that didn’t go well, planned work for next term, and the plan for onboarding Fall bootcampers!


Things we did well

  • Sticking to the milestones

    • Provided structure and reason behind decision making

  • Forward progress towards drivers and managers

  • Project managers did really well on managing a project team and taking initiative

  • Consistent in our code design standards

Things we need to improve on

  • Flight tests (lack of flight test knowledge on EFS)

  • Unit testing, we need more tests, and to find a way to test drivers properly

  • Onboarding package: document that goes through pulling current ZP repo, building the code, building the unit tests, quick intro to CMAKE, links to add to github and asana, add dev environment installs

  • Deadlines are essentially meaningless

    • Stress the importance of meeting the deadlines

    • Strongly encourage breaking down the task into sub tasks

    • Standardize common tasks

Things we failed at

  • Work sessions did not work at all

    • Not enough advertisement

    • No clear goal

    • Not enough encouragement

    • Not mandatory?

    • The latter half of the meeting was essentially the work session

Ideas for next term

  • turn meetings into meeting + worksession so you have 1 night a week 2 hour session

  • meeting = 30 min sync + 30 min convo

  • worksession = 1 person in bay, 1 person doing lecture/tutorials

    • git

    • STM32 IOC

    • fw interviews

    • comm protocols

    • build system

    • managers (AM,PM)

    • Driver development

    • reading a datasheet

    • mocking/testing

    • registers/bit manipulation

    • COTS architecture

Work for Next Term

New Member Onboarding Plan

  • Weekly onboarding sessions

    • Join weekly onboarding → complete bootcamp → read onboarding doc → receive first task

  • bootcampers join regular worksession to ask questions

  • we should write more tutorials for first task stuff (how to get started with driver dev, how to get started with manager dev)