2024-04-04 S24 Auto Co-op sync
going over the documents
Obstacle Avoidance (Planned for S24 co-op) and another page for IMACS.
viability of obstacle avoidance: useful?
ardupilot does ‘don’t go forward if obstacle'
make something that’s just better
good to pick a project that is familiar to the supervisor.
OA shows up enough that the project is useful to have.
Looking at something like ROS? - not discussed further. Not familiar to supervisors.
As the co-op, what would the final product I need to provide be?
be able to run a mission on a drone that can do 2 things:
auto mission: around the obstacle.
manual: fly into the obstacle
Reviewing IMACS: on Asana. Aaron to write up a document later.
Discussion on job topics, tasks, interview questions.
Action items
review and send the autonomy S24 job description to teertstra - All auto leads + Xierumeng
IMACS 2.0 plan - @Aaron Wang
Write up interview questions - All auto leads + Xierumeng