2024-03-20 Autonomy Meeting


  • LettuceMeet for subteam social!!!!

  • Interested in competition fill out competition form

  • Flight test last Saturday was a huge success

    • Tested Pegasus first (LTE issues), can’t test pathing on pegasus

    • Tested pathing on Houston with ELRS

    • Tested auto-landing on Houston with new CV camera

    • Software

      • Easy to use, get VNC working on the Pi to make debugging the Pi easier

  • We placed first in AEAC Phase 1 competition

  • We profiled all the images

Project Updates

Airside System

  • PR is up for the profiler. Need to rebase branch and get it reviewed.

  • Assign constructor verification task to @Victor Terme

  • Talked about the logging module, discussed multiprocessing issues in meeting

  • Created task to integrate YOLO model


  • Spline waypoint path is merged

  • Force RTL module is almost done, in review process


  • Profiled all image encodings (JPEG is 60 ms, HEIF is 3 s, PNG is 600 ms, AVIF is 1 s)

  • Got people working on image encode and image decode tasks

  • Discussed possibility of multiprocessing LTE (not needed right now but could be useful in the future)

Model Training

  • Making social for labelling!!!

  • Assigned a task to research image augmentations task we can apply on Roboflow

  • Check if model-training code is still on desktop (can’t remember if it was reimaged)