2024-03-06 Autonomy Meeting
2024-03-06 Autonomy Meeting
Flight test coming up this Saturday
Competition interest form
Update on meeting with directors
COT solution project for airside
Project Updates
Airside System
Geolocation integration in the works. Working with Mission Planner simulator. Will send out draft PR.
Search pattern discussion after meeting. PR is up.
Profiler is in the works. Deadline is set for Monday. Plan to do it on the weekend.
Logging system is started. Lots of work that needs to be done.
Clean up old Asana tasks.
Got updates from people assigned to tasks. Pushed some deadlines.
Profile encoding tasks, waiting on JPEG and HEIF. PR’s are up.
Going to setup a meeting to test the code on the RPi.
ML Model
Data is cleaned
Going to upload to Roboflow