2024-02-25 Autonomy Lead Onboarding Meeting

Leads Onboarding

Make sure you read leads onboarding. Add Autonomy lead tag in your username.

Leadership skills.


  • “Be the change you want to see in the world”

  • Announcement for Autonomy meeting? Yes


  • Compile a wishlist

  • We need to help with WEEF and MEF presentations

    • $500 from WEEF and $930 from MEF

    • Coral TPU

    • Watcloud – ML model training


  • Teaching them things

  • Getting them more involved with the team

  • Grow members and motivate them to take on bigger roles

  • Long-term success of the team

  • More emphasis on initiative

    • Entry to barrier is lower

      • Bootcamp – consider revising

      • Maybe push and encourage members to be more active and take initiative (esp for first tasks)

    • Hard to manage this many members

    • Lots of new members expect hand holding

  • Everyone wants to get involved

    • Things are kind of blocked

    • Documentation on our architecture

    • More members than tasks

      • So many members we can not give people a mini project

    • Small tasks are not getting done and block

      • Deadlines

      • Important blocking tasks should have deadlines but more support

  • Work sessions are great!

    • 1 or 2 hours

    • Things get done quicker

    • Allows people to set some time to focus on their task


  • If you take on all of the work, you are going to get burnt out very fast

  • Rely on PM’s and other senior members to help you out

  • Next term, bring up another autonomy lead

    • I would suggest 3 leads

    • Pick from Amy’s term

    • New lead to be a PM in the past, they have some experience with leadership

  • Skills needed for a lead

    • Leadership

    • System Design

    • Initiative

Competition Tasks

  • Pathing Task 2

    • Very close to being flight tested, someone needs to grind out integration issues

    • Kind of hard because we don’t have a pathing PM

  • Pathing Task 1

    • No work has been done right now

    • Need to scope out architecture

  • LTE

    • Hit a snag with LTE not connecting, need onsite people to help out at flight tests and work on fixing these issues

    • Need to get image-transmission repository finished so we can ground test

  • Airside

    • Need to unblock main file tasks to integrate the modules (maybe set stricter deadlines so it isn’t blocked)

    • Test geolocation and connect rest of the modules

    • Test airside repo with LTE telemetry

  • ML Model

    • Need to get people to finish cleaning the dataset

    • Need to annotate on Roboflow

    • Need to train on WARG desktop