12->5V Protected Buck: End User Guide

12->5V Protected Buck: End User Guide

The 12->5V protected buck is a board that will step down 12V DC to ~5V with a maximum rated output current of 5A.

It uses JST GH or USB-C connectors to supply 5V @ 5A.







Operating Input Voltage: 6V~17V

  • this board will operate when supplied with 6-17V

Protected Input Voltage: -30V~80V

  • this board will be protected (not be damaged) during reverse polarity events: down to -30V, or overvoltage events: up to 80V -

Maximum Input Current: 6A


Output Connections:

The USB-C connector can supply power to the RPi, and the JST can supply power to the Pixhawk, as labelled in Figure 1 & 2.


Mounting Holes Information:


Project Files: