

  • Started implementing takeoff using Elias’ structure

  • Taxiing

    • Will talk about ideas on Thursday


  • Went over s2021 PR and picked files that should be merged

    • Discussed with team about reviewing files as well

    • Thursday discuss how we will merge changes in

  • Implemented new PM architecture and showed promising results. Will work with Oumeima to finish hopefully for the end of the week

  • Will talk to Shrinjay to decide about XBees vs OpenHD

  • Showed Gantt chart


  • Updated Sensor Fusion documentation

  • Should have commit soon with minor changes

    • moving files around

    • fixing code that was rushed for competition


  • Worked on FreeRTOS over the weekend: Deducing a hardfault issue currently

  • Did research on the SD card driver, found good sources

  • Has plan for dropping dev board to Nixon when ready


  • Problems with OpenOCD:

    • Current situation: OpenOCD cannot detect the FTDI chip

  • We are using a different FTDI than what is normally used (2 channel) and toubleshooting this is difficult

    • Time consuming trial and error

  • Still discussing with Gordon regarding Xbee pickup/dropoff

Gordon (Copied from Discord)

  • Started coding on Telem to PM comms, compiler is giving me trouble yet again but I think I know which part now (gtest)

  • Started designs for the pitch rig to hold it in position or limit its movement.