Can’t really figure out problem with the HAL_Init stuff
Could not find test files anymore… But Aadi/Dhruv U will regenerate them and send to Nixon. If doesn’t work, then new task for Nixon and sensors will be shipped back to 'loo.
Want to take on a new task → New task on Asana
Dhruv will try to find new task for Nixon by Saturday
Still trying to figure out how to get control back to the user
Code should exist for disconnecting autopilot
Cannot take drone out of bay, so will be done by someone else
OpenOCD: Did get computer to notice the dev board (PROGRESS!)
Can simulate HIL with MatLab?
Dhruv U
Continued to work on SD card stuff
Issues with flashing firmware on Nucleo
Worked with Sahil and got one of the test drones working with Ardupilot so mech and electrical can start testing
Will probs get dev board with SD card soldered on
Ran into issue with calculating Angle of attack (AOT). Assumed he could use airspeed sensor. Not sure how he can know angle of attack
Might not be as relevant right now since we are switching to VTOL
Looking to drop off some WARG stuff
Will message Elias schedule for pickup
Adding two new states in telemetry