
Sensor validation: Kaveet or Steven

  • Nixon coming to Waterloo this Saturday (October 2)

IMU (Safety): Kaveet or Steven

  • Selecting and purchasing

  • Creating driver 

  • Testing driver

Interchip: Aadi

New Attitude Manager (Decision module, overall structure): Dhruv U

Controls (Mapping remote inputs, IK): Anni, (future: Aiden)

Bootcamp revamp: Gordon, Steven, Aiden

SD Card driver: Nixon

Documentation shit: Elias

Bootcamp: Make like a step by step tutorial

  • Problems: 

    • Steven

      • Not enough info to complete it 

        • Sol’n: provide information about HAL library, etc. 

      • Didn’t know which files to modify at first 

      • Hints are not enough information to finish the bootcamp

        • Sol’n: give more detailed instructions

      • Still feels unprepared 

        • Bootcamp should be more of a reflection of things they are going to work on

      • Bit more guidance - had to rely on messaging team members

    • Aiden

      • Overview of HAL and STM32

      • Crappy documentation 

      • More insight into ZP architecture

  • In code

    • Comment giving instructions on what to do

    • Comments providing useful links and documentation

    • Reference style guide

  • Other

    • Simple document explaining architecture

    • Same quiz in two parts

      • Quiz (google forms) that can be filled to check understanding of architecture

      • Quiz showing understanding of style guide and bootcamp code