Kevin taking a break from WARG. Probs same with Bassel
Andrew is looking to pass on the task
They’ll comment code so people can understand it (looks like they’re almost done)
Will support people taking over the task
Looking into testing: Not fully tested yet
As for data moving around, it seems to be recieving/sending data between xbees
We need to make automated tests to ensure it works. Next person’s task
CRC implementation:
Will use a library to implement it
Working on testing it on hardware
ETA for PR: end of this week
We need to come up with an action to respond to incorrect CRC
Decision: give manual control to Pilot if CRC is incorrect multiple times in a row
Probs coming to campus soon so he can pick up the drone to play around with it
Most interested in drone stability
Source missing error on STMCubeIDE when flashing Blinky still appearing…
Aadi has some test programs he will send Nixon
Working on tracking angle of attack in SF and should have PR up sometime this week
Last PR has been updated and Elias will review it
Dhruv U
SD card driver:
Pin configuration and basic files have been down in code
testing needs to be done
Needs to make API for driver
Will let us know when he can read/write stuff
Once done, making sure we can write to different files will be done
Looking into HIL systems:
It’s very custom made, so our system will consist of scripts based on GitHub actions
Need a physical dev board to run the tests via OpenOCD
Got STMF4 simulation working in the past. Will look into this
Gordon still has xbees
Mech testing rig design is still in progress
Xbee driver DMA setup may be an issue going forward
Telemetry manager just needs FreeRTOS stuff for Path-Telem communication
Fixed git issues and task is done. PR is up and Elias will review tonight
Showed competition rules and discussed switching to VTOL
Tasks for whole team:
Showed document for comparisons: MCU Selection
Asked team to do research when they have time
Switching to VTOL
Architectural changes investigated by Elias (Plan in for next Tuesday)
Create new tasks on Asana and Assign them
Meeting with CV: Reevaluate PIGO and POGI structs, and create CIAO (CV In Autopilot Out) and COAI structs
Asked about experience with USB
Anni made drivers for USB. Make the device a keyboard
If we use UART, we will need robust error checking
Baud rate is a concern too
Talk to Lance about putting in a USB port on ZP 2.0
EE and Firmware: FTDI circuit, what is the plan?
Sub-team meeting
Tuesdays at 7:15 PM