

  • Kevin taking a break from WARG. Probs same with Bassel

  • Andrew is looking to pass on the task

    • They’ll comment code so people can understand it (looks like they’re almost done)

    • Will support people taking over the task

  • Looking into testing: Not fully tested yet

    • As for data moving around, it seems to be recieving/sending data between xbees

    • We need to make automated tests to ensure it works. Next person’s task


  • CRC implementation:

    • Will use a library to implement it

    • Working on testing it on hardware

    • ETA for PR: end of this week

    • We need to come up with an action to respond to incorrect CRC

      • Decision: give manual control to Pilot if CRC is incorrect multiple times in a row

  • Probs coming to campus soon so he can pick up the drone to play around with it

    • Most interested in drone stability


  • Source missing error on STMCubeIDE when flashing Blinky still appearing…

    • Aadi has some test programs he will send Nixon


  • Working on tracking angle of attack in SF and should have PR up sometime this week

  • Last PR has been updated and Elias will review it

Dhruv U

  • SD card driver:

    • Pin configuration and basic files have been down in code

      • testing needs to be done

    • Needs to make API for driver

    • Will let us know when he can read/write stuff

      • Once done, making sure we can write to different files will be done


  • Looking into HIL systems:

    • It’s very custom made, so our system will consist of scripts based on GitHub actions

    • Need a physical dev board to run the tests via OpenOCD

    • Got STMF4 simulation working in the past. Will look into this

  • Gordon still has xbees


  • Mech testing rig design is still in progress

  • Xbee driver DMA setup may be an issue going forward

  • Telemetry manager just needs FreeRTOS stuff for Path-Telem communication


  • Fixed git issues and task is done. PR is up and Elias will review tonight


Sub-team meeting

Tuesdays at 7:15 PM