2024-01-16 Mechanical Meeting


Jan 16, 2024


Team Announcements







Last Flight Test



Next Flight Test

@Alison Thompson

Testing 4v6 batteries on Pegasus, time TBD but likely ~1pm on Saturday Jan 20, 2023

Upcoming Team Events

@Alison Thompson

WARG Info Session Thursday 7-7:30pm, tell your friends if their interested in WARG!

Next Work Session

@Alison Thompson

  • Originally this was supposed to be Saturdays @2pm but flight tests will be weekly on Saturdays.

  • We need to schedule this, I think it has to be 10am on Saturdays-whenever the flight test is (some people can stay back and keep working) due to machine shop hours

  • I have a rough plan for what needs to be worked on at each work session, each week I will give overview of the next 2

  • Goal for this week: Rev 2 Pegasus plate layups, PEEK parts + CF skeleton tubes for Rev 1 Pegasus

  • Goal for the next week: Rev 2 center block, rev 2 center connectors, cut and drill CF tubes

Other Announcements

@Alison Thompson









@Alison Thompson

  • We have some upgrades we need to make to the existing frame :

    • Less wobbly landing gear

    • Waterproofing

  • This term we need to make a second, upgraded Pegasus frame! There are some updates we’d like to add to it:

    • Lighten the center block and center connectors (This has been started last term)

  • There are some new tasks in Asana


@Evan Janakievski

  • New Cabin PMs!

  • Due dates have been updated, will go over in Asana walkthrough

    Screenshot 2023-11-08 185104.png
    Screenshot 2023-12-03 213955.png

Antenna Tracker

@Arjun Mandair

What is the Antenna Tracker?

  • Antennae transmit and receive radio electromagnetic waves

  • Essentially, they send and receive data to and from the drone

  • Two Antenna Trackers:

    • Video: Data will be sent and received to display Camera information

    • RC (Remote Control): Data will be sent and received to control the drone remotely


Current Status

  • Apart from a few electronic mounts to CAD, the next steps are to build

  • This project is to support the comp drone and is super cool! More tasks to help out will be assigned next week at mech meeting.


  • Formal CAD review to be scheduled next week before mech meeting, ~6pm Nathan

  • Check with EFS re: WEEF - ground station Fall 2022

New Tasks + New deadlines

@Alison Thompson

Next Meeting