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Last Flight Test | | N/A |
Next Flight Test | @Alison Thompson | Testing 4v6 batteries on Pegasus, time TBD but likely ~1pm on Saturday Jan 20, 2023 |
Upcoming Team Events | @Alison Thompson | WARG Info Session Thursday 7-7:30pm, tell your friends if their interested in WARG! |
Next Work Session | @Alison Thompson | Originally this was supposed to be Saturdays @2pm but flight tests will be weekly on Saturdays. We need to schedule this, I think it has to be 10am on Saturdays-whenever the flight test is (some people can stay back and keep working) due to machine shop hours I have a rough plan for what needs to be worked on at each work session, each week I will give overview of the next 2 Goal for this week: Rev 2 Pegasus plate layups, PEEK parts + CF skeleton tubes for Rev 1 Pegasus Goal for the next week: Rev 2 center block, rev 2 center connectors, cut and drill CF tubes
Other Announcements | @Alison Thompson | Please fill out team roster linked in #announcements If you’re interested in going to comp, May 24-26, fill out interest form in #announcements If you are interested in becoming eligible to drive an SDC vehicle, please fill out the following form: Microsoft Forms New PMs this term! Welcome @Evan Janakievski and @Sohee Yoon as Cabin PMs! Current PMs: @Smile Khatri @Arjun Mandair @Sohee Yoon @Evan Janakievski Current leads: @Nathan Green @Alison Thompson