2024-04-02 EFS Meeting


  • New safety captain in need!! If anyone’s willing to become one, please contact Neha or any leads. Safety captain saves everyone from hazards!

  • WARG Paintball social on Friday 7:00 pm!



  • SD Card

    • SD Card working, needs to finish up the wrapper function.

    • Formatting was wrong. We can crank up the speed now.

    • Next step: Put up a PR

  • Altimeter

    • Second order temperature pressure readings feature need to be added (Formula)


    • Starting to write GPS up

Attitude Manager

  • Pull request up for fly by wire A - with PID for angle stabilization in review

  • Next time: Ask to system manager people how things will get instantiated, and write up unit test. Needs lots of feedback from SM

  • Finish up PID when PR is done. Can be marked complete.

System Manager

  • Need to write the code to test up the threads.

Telemetry Manager

  • Encountered small compatibility issues

  • There’s issues where we have existing UART device driver but trying to adjust it without completely re-writing the driver, an option that looked feasible right now is passing the call back but it is now crossed out.


  • Will test with the paper foam. Talk to @Ayoung Eun for help.


  • Need to compile the test and get it running.

  • SWO printing needs more discussion. Reading official documentation right now.

ZP3 validation.

  • Problem to test 2 way communications with logics analyzer.

  • Finding a suitable way to test.


  • ELRS Comp

    • On Friday, there will be short introduction to ELRS by @Anthony Luo


    • Slowly getting on track

  • EE lighting board

    • Got it lit up, just need some fixing

  • Tracking antenna

    • Tracking antenna needs to be rewired and mounted on Yagi’s hardware as the previous setup is deep fried.

    • Yagi’s hardware is bit awkward, but it’s working.