2024-03-05 EFS Weekly Meeting

2024-03-05 EFS Weekly Meeting


SD card

  • Initialization and IO control driver work, and debugging read and write drivers.

  • Projected to finish the project by the next week

Airspeed Driver

  • Ready to test the driver outside.

Attitude manager

  • Aidan got his PR in, it is in review.

  • IMU data filters - Kalman filter need to get reviewed.

  • PID is written, will be able to get someone look over it next week.

  • Roni is looking for a task.

System Manager

  • Still need testing. Will figure out how to build in cmake, print out some statements to check if they are right.

Telemetry manager

  • Made scaffolding for TM, once they get their PR merged, then they will create a branch out of main, and start implementing logic.


  • Made progress with simulation, because they don’t have actual fixed-wing aircraft nor input parameters to test the simulation so they are planning to feed fake input parameters into the program.


  • RPI process ready.

  • Parser itself is ready, need to get the solid understanding of Arduino side.


  • Finalizing Docker

  • Partially using BARR-C? (@Stanley Tang

  • SWO printing in progress.

ZP3 validation image

  • Will need another meeting.

Adding Zp3 Board File

  • Trouble adding folder, but there were multiple ioc files in one project, which is causing an issue.


  • Need to debug ELRS driver and is stuck - need a meeting.

  • EE lighting board - one side of the chip was flipped, will lose one GPIO pin but not big of a deal if we make a modification

  • RTK GPS - Testing GPS receiver, tried to set up as base using GNSS viewer, but GPS is not properly connecting to it and GPS couldn’t be found. UART communication in the RX and TX pins weren’t proper, so contacted to the board manufacturer. Got a feedback from them and will be working on it soon.

Flight Test Checklist

  • There was one important check but I missed the audio. What was that? @Anthony Luo

  • OSD and MUX

  • OFS config (Attitude manager related)

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