2024-03-19 EFS Meeting
Admin Announcement
Competition is coming soon, we’re looking to secure our participants.
SD Card Driver
Testing he’s done so far- Testing low level drivers, (Uses OWL library) do not work reliably all the time. If called through API, it seems to work on the lowest clock setting.
When writing to a specific sector and trying to work it in Mac, but it stops working. @lekang wang
No update on Altimeter.
Merged Aidan’s PR
Waiting for PID class to be implemented,
Flying chunk of M3 (Fly by wire using mock data or old IMU) tasks on this flight test
No liang
Reading buffer thread-related document that Annie said.
Waiting for PR to get through.
Testing and getting some results from Sensor fusion? didn’t catch that part well (@Mostafa Hussein). Looking to get results from passing manager from AM
Dynamics is still in research
Not much update
Not much update
EE lighting board - getting help from EE lead, Neal Patel.
RTK GPS - Came and check the first board they had, and powered it on and tested with logic analyzer. Getting UART signal from the second board they received. Need to connect RX and TX together. First board looks fried due to misconfiguration from the manual sheet.
Tracking Antenna
Need to mount on Yagi’s hardware w/o Gemini and test it on the ft.
Flight Test prep
Need to do fully test out autonomous landing - So we need to get GPS to non-GPS transition working.