2024-05-04 Director Sync

  • Priorities for this term

  • zp

    • smaller projects that are easier to accomplish for efs

    • zp is a big project firmware wise

  • next comp

    • stick with aeac

    • if we do well at aeac then look at suas, same thing but more complicated

      • no radio restriction

    • VTOL for next drone (might not compete with it tho, just build)

    • Right after comp ends we push for

      • build plane

      • then turn it into a vtol

      • then when conops comes out go off

    • wataero is in micro class of sae aero so we don’t wanna step on em

    • sae aero is all planes

    • long term timeline

      • destroy this year 2024

      • next year destroy again 2025

      • 2026 suas ?

  • what do we need to do here, how do we split this

  • fly on peggy 1 and peggy 2

    • 2 is untested, no electronics

  • peggy 1

    • video stuff needs remountin

  • groundstation hw mostly there

  • Is there points for lighting

  • two flight tests before competition

    • we need get flight test team up to speed

    • we have it booked

  • we need to push for it if we want to

  • Schedule 11th for Peggy 1 flight

    • video system needs remounting

    • camera needs to be changed

    • new caps on the ESCs, should be glued

  • Schedule 18th for Peggy 2 flight

    • needs connectors

    • needs electronics

    • mech it’s all there

    • battery shrouds

  • realism

    • no points for lighting outside of realism

    • lighting is cool for photos lmao

  • connectivity

    • no RFD

    • just the phone

  • reliance on one person bad

  • find someone interested in business and finance

  • gnucash

  • what should features for next zeropilot look like, hold architecture meeting for it next week

  • ee proj, runs ardu. Combining whatever auto runs with EE/ardu boards. EE custom board that runs ardupilot. Companion computer.

  • make integration improvements while relying on working firmware

  • move stuff to CAN

  • reducing connectors and such is a huge win!

  • needs more attention

  • daniel will get there with proper support

  • autonomy stuff has been scaled down for this term

  • most likely lack of direction

  • sync we need to figure out what projects are theyre working on