2024-07-29 Operations Meeting
Emma Chan
Georgia Westerlund
Jul 29, 2024
@Emma Chan
@Georgia Westerlund
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski
@Daniel Puratich
@Nathan Green
Last meeting of the term!
F24 Meetings: Tuesdays at 8 PM EST in E5 2103
@Georgia Westerlund Will be Exec Director starting in the Fall
SUPER IMPORTANT: Fill our the team roster now https://forms.microsoft.com/r/ka0MJHJQ9D
Subdivision Updates
@Georgia Westerlund
@Emma Chan
Emailed about taking old site down. (low priority)
Trying to reach out to Waterloo Media for article coverage or external media.
@Emma Chan Will stop by during exams, if not successful then will pass to the next term.
@Georgia Westerlund Internal purchase protocol update - Pending Approval
comments added, rework in progress
Replied to some comments, will continue work on this
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski Reconciliation for the ledgers - done
F24 Wishlist - currently adding WEEF items, reach out for things such as quantity
Ideas for work split in fall:
Finance role is created, work is taken on freely
Outline system: Member reacts to ping to show ownership of the purchase request
If nobody reacts, ops lead takes a look
Will monitor how goes through fall term
MEF - Presentation slides completed and submitted - Waiting on response for presentation times
MEF : Due - Application July 5 - in progress
Presentation completed
WEEF: Done
Results posted
Started WEEF F24 thread/excel
EngSoc: done
Results posted
Got full amount (except for 3 categories), could probably ask for more in the future
Multiple categories and subitems
Stromcore sponsorship deal confirmed
Meeting next week, August 7th 2pm
@Georgia Westerlund
Create a story to announce new sponsorship deal!
Ideally posted for tomorrow
@Emma Chan Media plan - in progress
Ahmed - Test flight post/story for next week (July 28)
Longer form content up next! (emphasis on this now that comp is over!)
Finish story board this term
Shooting takes place during fall term, where more people are available.
@Daniel Puratich Recruitment
On hold until next term, we still have a couple in progress bootcampers
@Georgia Westerlund Fall Recruitment
Proposed dates: Monday, Sept 9 and Thursday, Sept 12 7pm
Send email out this week
Need to email ECE faculty for room booking or book E5 2004
Let’s do lecture hall
@Emma Chan New slide deck: WARG Recruitment Slides (F24).pptx
Subteam leads to update their respective slides
Need one lead per subteam to attend each session
Maybe a few more recruitment sessions? Set date soon + book lecture hall beginning of August.
Posts/stories/discord to push and advertise for recruitment
More team socials (member retention).