2024-11-27 Electrical Meeting
In person | Online |
@Ryan Scomazzon @Meghan Dang @Andrew Chai @Kenny Na @Ian Van Den Steen @Shawn Yang @Jerry Tian @Tim Gu |
General Updates
Meghan running this meeting 🔥🔥
@Ryan Scomazzon To talk a bit looking back on how epic we did
Last flight test
Tracking antenna had data sending issue - pushed to next flight test
Pegasus 2 new landing gear testing moved to next test
Autonomy Cluster Estimation and Image collection with manually set camera settings
Houston had motor issues and can now be flown until we get new motors - we are looking at better motors Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
Help is welcome if you wanna look into motor selection
Next Flight Test - Nov30th
2024-11-30 Pegasus 2 Landing Gear Flight Test - Flight Tests - WARG
Testing new angled landing gear - for landing on the bucket
Houston tests postponed until we get new motors (tracking antenna)
Pilot training moved to this test
Final Flight Test of the term - Dec 14th
Testing both solutions for task 2 - pump (water controller) and scoop (single servo driver
water controller is pending on EE - we need this assembled and validated by then!
Winter 2025 EE Co-op
An EE coop would be really epic but we need a mentor to have one!
If you wanna be a coop mentor, please reach out to EE leads. It would be really really epic and cool and awesome sauce.
EE co-ops have been actually popping off (nice job guys)
DEADLINE IS TOMORROW so please reach out now if interested!!!!!!!
We would still have to make the job description and get it reviewed so must let us know TN
PMs next term
We are looking for PMs for next term
Going to release a form after finals, please keep an eye out if interested
No questions on the form, just submit if interested
We will talk individually to everyone who fills it out to see PM role would work and go over expectations.
Can be on OR off site.
Please fill out even if already PM so we can see if you wanna be PM next term
Midterm board order
Please follow post ordering backup processAltium Folder Structure & EE Project Backups | Post Ordering
Yet to bet ordered
Sensor cluster - prob gonna be on its own
Tracking Antenna Controller rev 2, GPS (for GPS breakout) - combined together
Led Rev 4 - maybe combined with above maybe not?
EE Work session
No more work sessions this term
successful bringup of water controller!
3 Boards Assembled
validated + powered up, should be good to test w/ mech system pre-comp sync
Pre-charge system working
potentially bringup more boards
check availability of members (finals)
if no one avail, cancel this sesh
likely no sunday sesh either unless people would be interested in more board bringup
Likely not
AEAC Town Hall #1 happened
This is where they answer questions everyone had about competition
PCBX Sponsorship @Ryan Scomazzon
Good news and bad news
Good news: Turns out they didn't ghost us, it just got sent to junk
Bad news: They are ops of deception and basically used this as a marketing campaign. Their offer for free services was only for the first order and everyone gets this as a new account promotion. They conveniently didn't mention this in their first email.
They mentioned something about offering a discount to us for long term cooperation? I sent an email to push for what we can get out of them but I think this is probably a dud
Back to looking for a JLC sponsorship, I can use some help with that.
Comp/Eclipse sync
No eclipse sync
Comp sync tmrw night (Thursday) @ 8pm in E5-2103
Beginning of term order
Who wants to be on it?
Reasonable timeline?
Plz dont store things on top of it or touch the top - it gets hot
Dont put food in there because we will be using leaded solder in there which will make your food not something you wanna eat (unless you want cancer)
Please clean up after yourself
Get the electronsite role if on site - reach out to @Ryan Scomazzon if you have issues
Check out Conops for AEAC! Get involved in comp syncs for discussion https://www.aerialevolution.ca/annual-student-competition/
If you are on a project and can use some help, reach out
Don’t forget to fill out the team roster: Microsoft Forms
Missing GPS
RIP - Gone forever likely
probably gonna order
Board bring up Status
Please update test plans/board documentation!
Board Name | status | blockers | plan going forward |
GPS Breakout |
| |
Single Servo Driver |
| |
6s Power Module |
12-5V @ 4A Buck + ELRS RX | @Kenny Na Assembling and Validating
Water controller |
Peggy 2/Comp Updates
@Jerry Tian For Peggy 2
Water controller making (prob in more detail above)
Will install Dec 13 afternoon lol (after I finish finals)
Comp relevant PCBAs
Water controller
Water controller Rev 2
Tracking antenna controller rev2
Unified VTX - descoped from this comp cycle
Single servo driver
Pi interface rev c
Big push now is for Dec 14 flight test
Eclipse Updates - Fixed Wing 2025 - SysInt - WARG (atlassian.net)
The below boards should be included
6S servo module rev 2 - assembly next term
Single Servo Driver - waiting on EFS
6S power module - in validation @Andrew Chai for details
High current test
POR for first flight of eclipse next term.
24-5V buck - redundant power supply
@Jerry Tian Interested in harness diagrams?
yes all of them
Looking for diagrams of where things will be mounted from mech
General Tasks
In order of priority. These are the active design projects.
RPi Interface Rev C - Electrical - WARG (atlassian.net)
@Daniel Puratich Project Manager, Principle Hardware Engineer
@Kenny Na Layout Design
New modem, different SIM TVS, back to making routing progress
Modem wasnt on our bands - better for europe and asia
Chillin for beginning of term order
Reviews are appreciated now
12S ESC - Electrical - WARG (atlassian.net)
@Ethan Abraham& @Andrew Chai
Pending layout review - basically done
Room for optimization
ELRS Redundant Diversity RX - Electrical - WARG (atlassian.net)
@Nolan Haines Individual Contributor
Target for beginning of term order
12S Pre-Charge Controller Module
@Robert Tang , @Kevin Li
@Kenny Na, PM @Daniel Puratich
Stalled for 12-5V Buck + ELRS RX bringup
Stalled for USB-C Sink bringup
Stalled for layout on RPi Interface Rev. C
houston ESCs? - 3s or 6s batts?
Wait for new motor selection?
Fixed wing connector research (VBat, CAN, 5V)
@Ryan Scomazzon
Forgot to check connector at work
Still open for anyone who wants to help, dm me
Suggestion from @Kenny Na - look into ethernet? - Power rating?
This came up before but was ditched. Look into why? There may be a conf doc from sept 2023
ELRS Gemini Testing/Rev 2
@Ahmed Osman
is this still going ?
12V Input to 65W USB-PD Source - Electrical - WARG
@Ian Van Den Steen
12V to 24V Boost Groundside Converter - Electrical - WARG
@Tim Gu
Did some research on designing/working with boost convertors
Getting started on calculations
Input current may be around 90-100A (very rough estimate)
How much current is too much (to the point where we can’t make this ourselves)?
Looking into COTS options for buying one
There are some 12-24V 50A DC/DC convertors that seem promising at first glance, will dig deeper and document updates
some ideas:
If we don’t charge 4 batteries at once the input current will probably be a lot lower
maybe use multiple boost convertors (like a multiphase buck)?
Water System Controller rev 2 - Electrical - WARG
Working on schem still
After this weekend will be on hold till after finals
Target for start of term board order
Action Items
Make source of truth for board priority and add more single servos to it
Check up on elrs status