2024-07-15 Operations Meeting


Jul 15, 2024


  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

  • @Daniel Puratich

  • @Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski


Subdivision Updates

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

    • Will create a Lettucemeet for F24 Ops meetings once class schedules are released (July 17)

  • @Emma Chan

    • Emailed about taking old site down. (No response, will follow up)

    • Trying to reach out to Waterloo Media for article coverage or external media.

      • @Emma Chan Stopped by some offices but nobody was there, will try again

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Internal purchase protocol update - in progress

    • Working to have this done and published by the start of next term

  • @Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski Reconciliation for the ledgers - done

    • Email to send to Sarah tonight for reimbursements

    • Digikey Order

    • Have PRs from last week been forwarded to Sarah?

  • MEF - Presentation slides completed and submitted - Waiting on response for presentation times

  • @Wingchee W S24 Sponsorship Proposals

  • WEEF UPDATE (Jun 24th) - Practice for WEEF Presentation took place today @ 7:15pm.

  • Presentation scheduled for tomorrow @ 7:22pm E5 3101

    • MEF : Due - Application July 5 - in progress

      • @Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski @Daniel Puratich : Extended deadline for W23 funds is June 30, 2024.

      • Shorter presentation

      • Look into the presentation deadline?

      • Send an email to MEF to get presentation date?

    • WEEF: Done

      • July 17th results

    • EngSoc: done

      • Waiting for results

  • Stromcore sponsorship deal (waiting on transfer)

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Update website and sponsor list once finalized

    • Create a story to announce new sponsorship deal!

  • @Daniel Puratich Recruitment

    • On hold until next term, we still have a couple in progress bootcampers

  • @Daniel Puratich Campfire social

    • July 5 campfire (delayed?)

      • Rebook for another day

      • @Daniel Puratich to email for booking 19 or 26 of July

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Fall Recruitment

    • Proposed dates: Monday, Sept 9 and Thursday, Sept 12

    • Need to email ECE faculty for room booking or book E5 2004

      • Let’s do lecture hall

    • New slide deck: WARG Recruitment Slides (F24).pptx

    • Subteam leads to update their respective slides

    • Need one lead per subteam to attend each session

    • Maybe a few more recruitment sessions? Set date soon + book lecture hall beginning of August.

    • Posts/stories/discord to push and advertise for recruitment

    • More team socials (member retention).

Action Items

Asana Tasks