
Dhruv U (Update via Discord)

  • Started work on the SD Card driver, was able to get basics like the ioc file code generation, other things done Action Items:

  • Finish SD Card driver proof of concept by the coming Tuesday, possibly run a demo (idk how that'd work but we'll see)



  • Things to do

    • Talk to Lance/Kiran about MCU selection (late next week after moving in)

      • Find criteria required for chips to run autopilot

        • criteria given so far

          • Ability to run freeRTOS → built in natively is preferred

          • Similar I/O

          • Ease of development and OS independence

            • Demonstrated CubeMX and CubeIDE to Kiran to show what Firmware is used to

          • HAL support would be nice as well

          • Similar memory and clock speeds (at least matches and we chilling ZP 1.0)

    • Talk to Shrinjay/Kevin about data to be sent between autopilot and jetson over USB (next wednesday)

      • 2 things

        • Xbee vs OpenHD

        • What to send between CV and Firmware

    • Look into UavCan

  • Decided that VN-200 and VN-300 VectorNAV sensors are both good for applications. VN-200 is preferred cause of power draw. Rugged version (swap and play) is preferred.