Progress was slow last term due to @Balaji Leninrajan dying from school
@Tochi Okoro is working on scripts to start up and run SITL
Would be useful beyond IMACS
Major widgets, these are large tasks that 1 member of the team would have to take on each:
Waypoint queue (will also involve a lot of changes on the “backend“)
Still far off from a Mission Planner replacement
All the config screens on mission planner are going to be hard to replace
IMACS has not been tested on hardware enough
UI is not final
What we have
A solid base to build on
Well structured straight forward repo
Project is designed in a way that tasks can be split up easily
Lackluster docs
no complete complex components
What [new IMACS PM] needs to do
Find people or a groups of people who are able to work on larger tasks (Map, SITL, Waypoints)
come up with smaller tasks to find people willing to learn flutter
Do a bunch of testing with real hardware
Pain points with IMACS
Time between assigning a task and someone finishing it is really high for this project
Tasks often involve the create of multiple new files which can be confusing at first
Setting up flutter is still a pain
Handling async stuff is funky
Obstacle Avoidance
current: @Andrew Shum
new: @Vyomm Khanna
Main groundwork for our OA system is ready, pending final integration/debugging and then ready for a complete flight test!
Plan to open up the project to more members as the system is basically ready, and new contributors don’t need that thorough of a background in OA-research and methods to work on tasks.
Goal is to refine system further, pending test-results n all.
current: @Vibhinn Gautam
no significant change made last term as ML is not a priority for the competition-