2023-11-21 AEAC 2024 Sync


Please add your name here if you are present during the meeting! Feel free to add it in advance if you plan on attending.

  • @Daniel Puratich

  • @Conall Kingshott

  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Anthony Zhelnakov

  • @Aryan Kashem

  • @Ayoung Eun

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

  • @Hardy Yu

  • @Megan Spee

  • @Michael Botros

  • @Nathan Green

  • @Tong Zhang

  • @Yuchen Lin

  • @Anthony Luo

  • @Amy Hu


  • @Conall Kingshott @Nathan Green @Jonathan Di Giorgio

  • Frame is currently disassembled following the flight test

    • arms removed currently

      • nothing was noted wearing early

      • should inspect holes? @Conall Kingshott will look tmrw, but should be goooooood

    • wear that happened to wires is most likely from monster mount install so not going to focus on correction to the rest of arm stuff

    • awaiting heatshrink for wires to reassemble

  • We considered options for removing thread-to-wire contact in the system

    • @Conall Kingshott thinks this isn’t necessary. Do others disagree?

      • Bolts that aren’t threaded on the top in such a way that would address this are not easily available

    • Lots of effort, likely wasnt the problem

  • @Alison Thompson @Evan Janakievski @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

  • No big updates from last week!

  • Composites Canada resin and hardener is here (hopefully, needs to be inspected)

    • will be doing layups for cabin on Sunday

  • Orderred skeleton tubes from Aliexpress

    • hopefully arrive soon!
