2024-06-05 Electrical Director Sync

  • Directors would like status updates and timelines from EE Leads for active projects.

    • walking through most of them below

  • What micro and CAN transceiver is selected to commonize for our projects?

  • What is timeline for ZP HW readiness for EFS M2?

    • boards are one side done but only half way,

    • Friday will assemble the rest to give to EFS

  • Nice to have @Daniel Puratich write / record a video on Altium shortcuts

    • t g a repour polygons

    • e e a deselect all

    • shift s to show only this layer

    • ctrl scroll wheel change layer instead of clicking

    • space bar to rotate

    • shift space to change corner style (for schem and pcb lines) (for rounding edges)

    • e a paste special (paste on current layer)

    • ctrl w place wire

    • x and y

    • ctrl f flip board

    • selection filter

    • will throw in backlog as a task

      • soldering guide → find one online?

      • crimping stuff

      • altium shortcuts guide

  • What do directors think about some new tasks on writing automated test scripts?

    • Why?

    • We don’t do a lot of testing

    • Would be nice to have automated testing

    • would help with

    • we need to get some hardware: weef plus sponsors list

    • wait till fall to push this, Jerry will drive when onsite

  • Status and Timeline for all projects in

    • High Priority Projects

      • intended for our upcoming system plans for 2025 comp cycle

      • at least one person should be actively driving for all these projects

        • no progress recently

        • there are no people to work on this right now

        • difficult project

        • more senior member project for validation here

        • Tom is on this

        • progress is happening here

        • Ryan is on this, wanted to work on this

        • test circuits on Michael’s board for STM32 tracking ant board

        • copy over as much as possible

        • Ryan is on this

        • assembled?

        • get EFS testing if it’s done

        • Michael is working on

        • unsure on timeline for this

    • Medium Priority Projects

      • long term usable but not planned on included for 2025 comp cycle

        • ESC specific

        • Omar

        • progress is happening here, design is early on

        • new buck ic

        • output connectors

        • layout nearly done?

        • component selection is done

        • having first rev be easier to debug

        • lower priority but worth doing

        • unassigned

    • Low Priority Projects

      • these aren’t useful currently but are still being pursued I guess

        • nobody pursuing right now

        • might be interesting

        • issue is hard to recreate which makes debug difficult

        • needs to be assembled

        • leaving unassigned for now

        • seems far away

        • leave him on it as a learning thing?

        • Mostafa, letting him finish it, need to talk to EFS here

        • custom battery just isn’t scoped yet

        • assigned, worth shifting resources away from this

        • extremely low priority

    • Stalled Projects with no further progress happening for this term

      • stalled

      • ← easily done COTS, stalled, took tom off of this

      • ← not viable conceptually

      • stalled

      • stalled

      • ← easily done COTS

  • Review EE support anticipated for team programs

    • You’ll notice all the high priority projects are directly relevant for this!!

    • Having some EE members involved in the architecture syncs will help people understand the system

  • Time Stuff

    • no notes.