2024-05-16 Electrical Director Sync

  • Preferred Required Attendees

    • @Daniel Puratich

    • @Nathan Green

    • @Michael Botros

    • @Nolan Haines

    • @Jerry Tian ← ten minutes late

    • @Neel Patel

  • Missing Attendees

    • @Neel Patel

    • @Michael Botros

  • We need to select preferred STM and CAN transceiver to support this new architecture push.

  • Ranking all projects discussed in in terms of priority (highest is first)

    • target boards with CAN tested end of term. Communicate w/ Jerry abt this. Make sure he’s on this, good with it, etc, get it moving ASAP. Jery won’t have time for this. Anthony?

    • target boards end of term. Make sure Michael understands that we want this done end of term. Probably put people on

    • target boards end of term, Daniel’s co-op

    • target boards end of term. Tom is on this. Will communicate that we have a time limit.

    • target boards end of next term, Nolan on this. CAN support first rev should be in addition to normal serial

    • target boards end of next term, Omar is on it, committed

    • target bringup complete for comp & change form factor for new airframe end of next term. next rev with CAN. sovle mechanical packaging. must have JSTs for next rev.

    • maintain for comp, further additions can be saved for a few terms from now. might have people to make smaller.

    • assemble for EFS M2, no more design work

    • could add in more improvements to design for a few terms from now. follow ardupilot stuff. combine best of both worlds and ardu support

    • Ishman is on it, almost done

    • start small build up, may have resources

    • leave where it is

    • for fun co-op is on

    • assemble and test, need to bringup

    • might’ve already been started, could reallocate efforts

    • let finish, use as learning

    • 100% not this stop

    • 100% not this stop

    • not being worked on

    • 100% not this stop

    • is being worked on, theyre on layout, let this finish? scary, worth thinking about here, momentum, continue for knowledge

    • 100% not this stop

  • Before Competition Efforts:

    • get the lighting system working for photoshoot

      • Parker and Omar are here, system design help is needed here

      • Nolan won’t be here for this. Maybe Monday

    • Get nice battery harnesses going

      • @Ishman Mann @Omar El-Sawy

      • this is a spare harness set

    • Portable VTX

      • @Nathan Green to assemble this on Saturday

      • Ping in @Ishman Mann to watch this to see.

  • Bootcamp changes?

    • what do you guys want to do here?

    • get ready for fall, that’s the risk, will sync after comp

    • have a system level portion of bootcamp?

    • it’s a lot of stuff for new bootcampers to tell them the whole system

    • need a way to ease members into

  • How do we ensure all our aircraft get system level block diagrams?

    • Nathan lead high level diagrams. EE assign people for lower level diagrams.

    • We need this to support integration and onboarding

    • Ideally we start to standardize more common architecture for our projects?

      • will be very different from quad to plane

      • @Nathan Green to schedule post comp system level sync

        • would be massive meeting

        • we figure everything out ahead of time.

  • What kind of director support is needed?

    • @Nolan Haines to setup EE leads syncs to get it goin