2023-03-24 - System Electrical Routing Guidelines
Change Description
System Electrical Routing Guidelines
Daniel Puratich
Description of Change
Add the below section to the arch doc:
System Level Electrical Placement & Routing Guidelines/Information:
The frame should not be electrically connected (aka should be at floating potential)
Complies with: UL1740
This can be checked with a DMM (when the system is not powered)
This means that if a PCB we are using has electrically connected mounting holes we need to take proper steps to achieve isolation
Sometimes PCB mounting holes are electrically connected to a GND plane for thermal reasons so we should also approach thermals with caution on sensitive electronics
Conformal Coating can be used within reason
The pro of conformal coating is waterproofing and makes it harder to accidentally should with a screw driver
The con of conformal coating is it prevents heat from leaving a PCBA
So anything that is conformal coated should receive a thin layer at most
Another con is that it can be annoying to remove in the case of reworking a PCBA
For example it would be fine to conformal coat a flight controller that runs cool
However, for example an RF transmitter we would want to approach with more caution
We could place a large heatsink on the primary chip(s) using thermal paste
Then we could consider conformal coating the other portions of the board
Cables, especially longer cables, should be within sheaths when reasonable
This offers protection against abrasion during natural flight vibrations
Exception to this rule is shorter cables that are placed further from anything that could be abrasive, specifically cables purely within the avionic compartment of our aircraft
Avoid loops in cable runs if possible
Varying conductor types should be separated when reasonable
Generally we consider four different types of cables: Digital, Analog, Power, & Coax/Rf
Digital: Characterized by signals with fast edges
Definition of a fast edge in this context and some examples to be added by an EE
Generally transcieving in 0 and 1 states asynchronously or synchronously
I.E. a GPS module’s cable connection to our flight controller is digital
An IMU is an example of a particular digital device that is sensitive to external noise.
Analog: Characterized by signals with slow edges
Definition of a slow edge in this context and some examples to be added by an EE
Generally transcieving data in varying voltage states
Though some protocols we consider analog will also transmit some digital data as well
I.E. a hobby fpv analog video camera has an analog data output
An analog video feed out of an analog camera is an example of a particular digital device that is sensitive to external noise.
Power: Characterized by constant voltage varying current designed for power transmission
Generally the voltage is constant though higher frequency noise may be present
These conductors can have significant current pulses
I.E. a connection from a battery to an ESC
Coax/Rf: Characterized by oscillating signals across the spectrum (~20kHz to ~300Ghz) intended for wireless transmissions and notably contained within a coaxial cable
A coaxial cable, specifically for our applications utilizing an SMA or RP-SMA connector, is generally used to guide sensitive RF signals between transceivers & antennas.
It is also worth noting antenna placement is critical, this is noted below in more detail
SMA & RP-SMA connector info should be found in the corresponding connectors arch doc section.
Because coaxial cables offer strong noise immunity the routing constraints of these cables are looser than others
Coax cables are very good at eliminating outside noise
For further information see: Coaxial cable
Each of these type of conductors should be physically grouped together, however, each type should be separated
I.E. All power stuff near each other, all digital near each other, but power separated from digital
This grouping and separation is physical distance, though of course there are other factors
Within PCBAs these groups may be mixed, this is fine, we will assume the PCB designer has taken the proper care to avoid issues as necessary
RF Transceiver Care
An RF transmitter should not be turned on (given input power) without a proper antenna connected as this can permanently damage the transmitter
Possible violations of this policy should be reported in Discord and transmitters should be labelled as damage (notably degraded performance) may not be immediately evident. We don’t want to blame each other, stuff happens, we just want to note it for the future! If you do not feel comfortable stating this publicly feel free to DM a lead you’re comfortable speaking to who can relay the message without naming names.
Transmitters generally get warm
They require a lot of power and therefore require some cooling
They are sometimes designed to be mounted outside an airframe for ambient cooling of wind passing the frame. As we may not be doing this we need to approach this with caution.
Notes regarding conformal coating are above.
The lower the frequency the longer the distance we can get for the same output power generally
The higher the frequency means more bandwidth generally
Antenna mounting
GPS sensors in particular are to our 900 MHz and 1.3 GHz transceivers and should be mounted away from antennas operating at these frequency ranges
GPS frequencies are fixed frequencies are1100MHz and 1500MHz
Our transceivers will hop around frequencies around their range looking for available channels so they are capable of hopping close to GPS frequencies and causing issues
For context it’s worth noting a 900MHz and 1.3GHz transceiver are capable of stepping on each others frequencies as well
For further reference see Guide: 1.2GHz -1.3GHz FPV Video System - Oscar Liang & https://novatel.com/support/known-solutions/gnss-frequencies-and-signals
Radio waves do not like to change medium
Specifically they do not like to pass through materials of varying dielectric constant
Passing waves through some varying materials may be fine, but be careful!
At the frequencies WARG operates at (6 GHz and below) foam will not have a considerable impact on signal integrity
Rain will have a measurable impact on signal integrity
This means mounting antennas outside of cases/airframes and providing LOS when reasonable
Antenna polarity should be deliberate
Antennas that use diversity should be mounted not in the same plane
There are different types of diversity
The VN-300 employs “Spatial Diversity”
The RFD9000 employs “Polarization Diversity”
Antenna diversity is not the same as true diversity
Antenna polarity matching follows the below graphic
(Antenna Mounting Continued)
Ground antenna should be mounted with as much distance away from the ground as possible
This is to reduce ground reflection and has a considerable effect on reliability of an RF link
Antenna spacing should be minded
Any device with diversity (multiple antenna inputs) should have it’s antennas mounted with some spacing between them. Always follow manufacturer guidance here.
IE our VN-300 has specific manufacturer recommendations regarding recommended spacings and clearances
Different devices should have their antennas spaced out
See notes about frequencies and channels above.
Some notes about lightning
This entire section can be ignored for WARG purposes on nice days and the odds of a lightning strike are relatively low so don’t worry too much about these guidelines
As long as the current from a lightning strike is allowed to pass through your structure relatively unimpeded it will not harm the system
Notably isolating important electronics from the structure is important for this, see above.
To ensure this is possible having a somewhat conductive frame helps
This is not possible for composite frames and thus more complex techniques can be employed
Lightning likes to, if possible, enter and exit through sharp points
Ensuring that the sharpest points on a region of the system are all not electrical elements (notably antennas) will ensure lightning passes where we want it to!
A side safety note is that people are also relatively sharp points sticking out of the ground, however, unlike structures, you aren’t replaceable.
Be sure in lightning prone weather that people are not the path of lowest impedance for a lightning strike! This can be done easily by ensuring taller, pointier, grounded structures are nearby humans.
For ground equipment (towers and stations) grounding rods can be used
Notably this may not be possible for ecological reasons as well as if our ground station is on pavement
Grounding rods should connect into the earth (with a pointed end) electrically to the sharpest point at the peak of the structure
Ideally, as mentioned above, the entire structure is conductive which makes this easier to achieve.
We will discuss in RFC channel. This is just documenting knowledge for newer members to understand.
Reason for Change
Assist in Mech Elec integration
Impact of Not Responding to Change
What Groups, People, Sub-teams Need to be Notified?
Mech: @Nathan Green
EFS: @Anthony Luo
Electrical: @Daniel Puratich @Ethan Abraham @Farris Matar @Rayyan Mahmood @Nolan Haines @Michael Botros
Change Impact
Additional Parts/Resources Required and Costs
Impact on deadlines
Alternatives and Recommendations
I would appreciate verification and input on some of what I’ve written here. See Discord thread.
Change Request Sign Off -
Accepted by Anni
See Discord Thread
Daniel Puratich