2023-04-04 - ICARUS Electrical Layout Diagram

Update the title with the “name of change' after the dash

Change Description <Filled out by requestor>


ICARUS Electrical Layout Diagram

Michael Botros


Description of Change

The electrical layout diagram needs to be made in tandem with the ICARUS wiring diagram so that the electrical and mechanical teams can build and assemble the harnesses and mounts for all the electrical components and boards. This diagram will show the location of components such as motors, ESCs, batteries, sensors, cameras and flight controller boards.


Annotated diagram of CAD model will be updated as locations of components are selected. These will be updated in the RFC discord thread as discussion progresses. The RFC page and discord will be updated until the final annotated drawing is complete.

Reason for Change

This change is required so that the onsite team members know where all the electrical components need to be mounted on the drone and with the wiring diagram they will be able to build the harnesses that are required for the drone.



Impact of Not Responding to Change

Subteams will not have the information to place all necessary components for the drone. Assembly will take longer than expected as people will need to make placement and harnessing decisions during assembly.

What Groups, People, Sub-teams Need to be Notified?

  • Anthony Luo

  • Nathan Green

  • Hamza Ali

  • Aidan Bowers/Sysint

  • EE (Daniel, Michael, Farris, Rayyan, Nolan, Mena)

  • Megan Spee

  • Conall Kingshott

Change Impact <Filled out by requestor>

Additional Parts/Resources Required and Costs


Impact on deadlines

Blocks the assembly deadline of the drone

Alternatives and Recommendations

No alternatives, the layout for Icarus needs to be determined in order to proceed with assembling the drone.



Make sure to create a thread in the ‘rfc’ chat in discord (here). Share a link to your rfc in your post so it can be approved!

Change Request Sign Off <System Integration>


Accepted / On Hold / Rejected / More info Requested

