2023-02-03 - ZP-CV Communication Units and Ranges

2023-02-03 - ZP-CV Communication Units and Ranges

Update the title with the “name of change' after the dash

Change Description

ZeroPilot, IMACS, CV Airside

ZP-CV Communication Units and Ranges

@R D (Deactivated)


Description of Change

Add units (preferably in SI) to Communication & Message Formats .


Ensure all stakeholders agree on the units and expected ranges used, adding them to documentation.

Reason for Change

Avoid a Mars Climate Orbiter incident where the interface sends values in one unit while another interface receives them in another unit causing error.



Impact of Not Responding to Change

Unclear what units are being communicated, potentially causing incorrect movement commands and incorrect data telemetry reporting.

What Groups, People, Sub-teams Need to be Notified?

  • Firmware EFS: @Aaditya Chaudhary

  • CV: @Aydan Jiwani (Deactivated) @Amy Hu @R D (Deactivated)

Change Impact

Additional Parts/Resources Required and Costs

Time spent discussing and writing documentation.

Impact on deadlines

Little impact as units are implicitly known by stakeholders.

Alternatives and Recommendations

Do-nothing option, as @Aaditya Chaudhary has written the driver on both sides and so everyone can ask him instead.



Make sure to create a thread in the ‘rfc’ chat in discord (here). Share a link to your rfc in your post so it can be approved!

Change Request Sign Off <System Integration>


Accepted / On Hold / Rejected / More info Requested





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