2023-03-26 - Icarus Airside Power Architecture

Change Description


Defined Icarus Airside Power Architecture

Description of Change

Specifically how each device is being powered needs to be properly documented in the system architecture. Currently all that is written is a 12S power architecture and vague power rails for different devices.


Detailed power architecture has been documented in a table here: .

Data filled out for airside components. Groundside components will have a separate RFC.

Reason for Change

Members working on Icarus need to know where/how devices are being wired.



Impact of Not Responding to Change

Team will not know how devices are being powered which will delay harnessing for Icarus.

What Groups, People, Sub-teams Need to be Notified?

  • Anthony Luo

  • Nathan Green

  • Hamza Ali

  • Aidan Bowers/Sysint

  • EE (Daniel, Michael, Farris, Rayyan, Nolan)

  • Megan Spee

  • Conall Kingshott

Change Impact

Additional Parts/Resources Required and Costs

None as of now.

Impact on deadlines

Less than a week to implement this change.

Alternatives and Recommendations

No alternatives for this RFC. Need to clearly define specific power architecture.



Change Request Sign Off <System Integration>


Accepted / On Hold / Rejected / More info Requested

