Cargo Compartment

Cargo Compartment


Big Project


Project Manager

Big Project


Project Manager

2024 Comp Drone


@Alison Thompson

Task Description

We need to make sure our cargo compartment will prevent the 4 max 5cm x 5cm x 10cm from sliding around too much. Potentially integrate stairs into this if the cargo compartment is below the passenger cabin.



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Cargo is secure

@Alison Thompson



@Alison Thompson




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Task Progression/Updates

Author: @Alison Thompson Date: 2023/10/04


My current thoughts are to make a super light 3D print that allows us to “strap down” or slot cargo in, this is up to whoever is working on it. They will need to communicate with @Evan Janakievski about cabin

Author: @Wallace Lee Date: 2023/11/01


I have a lot of questions about what is on where. But for straps I am thinking of either velcro, racket straps, elastic bands or buckles. While for slot type of cargo, a slider slot with some latches. If the stairs have to be with the cargo, then maybe the retractable mini stair for aesthetics

Fig1. Ideas

Author: @Wallace Lee Date: 2023/11/04

Straps method:

This piece is 18mm x 50mm x 15mm (length x width x height). Holes are M3. The weight currently for one piece is 9 grams using PET. The functionality for this piece is to allow some straps to pass through and the other one on the other side is going to strap the boxes in the top and bottom direction. The piece itself also prevent slipping front and back.

Fig 2. The strap hold

This piece is 16mm x 60mm x 80mm. Weight currently 22 grams using PET. Prevent slips in the sideway direction. (This piece is technically not that useful as the cabin itself kind of already preventing the sideway slipping)

Fig 3. The hold to prevent slipping sideways

How it looks with the boxes oriented in a cube 100 x 100 x 100:

Fig 4. The pieces with the four 50 x 50 x 100 blocks

Author: @Wallace Lee Date: 2023/11/22

Ikea Box Drawer:
Dimensions are 126 x 111 x 145. The Holes are M3 and are 118mm away (front and back) and 103mm apart (on the same face).

Fig 5. Ikea Drawer type

I also add some arms to prevent stuff felling out

Fig 6. Ikea Drawer Type with arms



Fig 7. 4 individual slots

Author: @Wallace Lee Date: 2024/01/15

Made Adjustments, pls review.

Fig 8. Stack up

Author: @Alison Thompson Date: 2024/01/19



Looking much better! A few things to change:

  • The bottom compartment will be blocked by the aero-panel mount, I think you have enough space to raise the compartments up so the bottom one starts at the top of the mount and the cargo can still be slid in. You may have to make the shelves a little bit thinner to do this but it should be okay.

  • The WARG logo on the top won’t be seen so it will probably just increase the print time (looks cool though!)

  • I think the arms may be able to be replaced with rubber bands or something? The current design is impossible to assemble because the hole in the arm can’t slip onto its pivot point since you have a larger diameter extrusion holding it in place

  • I know we asked for it to be less oversized, but maybe add 1mm clearance in the 50mm directions. Reducing the thickness of the shelves a little will help this.

  • Before asking for a review, look at it in the cabin layout assembly and see if there are any interference issues if you were to load cargo into it

Over all looks good and this form factor will save us loads of cabin space compared to the last one!

Ping me when you’d like another review :)

Author: @Wallace Lee Date: 2024/01/23

Changed Dimensions
  • Add tolerance of 1mm in each direction for the space inside with now each space having 52 x 52 x 100

  • I made the bottom slightly larger with 54.5 x 52 x 100 because the pannel mount is kinda interfering with putting cargo in there. I also already raised the bottom box by 11mm

  • Remove the arms and i think rubber band could be a good idea

Author: @Alison Thompson Date: 2024/01/24


looking better, we still need to solve the mounting bracket covering some of the bottom compartment, perhaps you can work with @Sohee Yoon to edit the geometry of that part or we need to change the cargo compartment to solve this.


other comments:

  • We still won’t see the WARG logo so we can remove it

  • Need to look at the integration with the curved panel edge folding under it, may need another cutout to accommodate, @Evan Janakievski may have thoughts on this, this interaction may change with cabin rev 2?

  • perhaps we can look at using heat-set inserts in the bottom so we can bolt up through the floor of the cabin and the bolts are hidden on the inside? that way we can also remove the bits that stick out for bolts.

  • The geometry of the bits to loop rubber bands on can probably be simplified? can it be the same diameter for most of it and only wider at the end to stop the rubber band from coming off?

  • can probably reduce weight by changing back wall to 5mm-1cm tall small walls for each cargo


Author: @Evan Janakievski Date: 2024/01/29

  • Same ideas as Alison

  • If heat set inserts could be used that could simplify the mounting method

  • Finding a method to adjust the aeropanel mount would be good, @Sohee Yoon can provide insight on that and how that could be adjusted

  • If the mount is shortened, then the cargo compartments seem to be essentially the perfect height for the cabin height and mounts


Author: @Sohee Yoon Date: 2024/01/30

  • Same points with Alison and Evan

  • I can def redesign the mounts for the bottom two to clear the path to the cargo (Fig 1), as well as clearing/shaving off some of the material on the top mounts. Some ideas for the bottom mounts:

    • Fig 1: Will have some blockage because of hole (but def less)

    • Fig 2: Maybe make it an 'L' shape?

    • Fig 3: (Possible idea) Fill the bottom/floor gap made for the mounts and instead leave a gap for the mounts (not sure how thick that section of the bottom would be tho)

Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3

Author: @Wallace Lee Date: 2024/02/13

Fig 1 above would solve the problem right away but I think we can consider fig3 since the current platform is elevated 16mm and that's a lot of materials and weight compared to the whole compartment.

I don’t know if there are any specification for heat set inserts so I use the m3 holes as a temporary placement.

The walls are currently 4mm thick so should I add it to 5mm?

Other than the above I changed all the stuff according to Alison, Evan and Sohee’s advice:

Screenshot 2024-02-13 063311-20240213-113311.png
Screenshot 2024-02-13 062616.png
Currently the heat set insert position


Author: @Sohee Yoon Date: 2024/03/09

  • I've redesigned the mounts to be a lot smaller, so you'll have to redesign a bit of the cargo compartment for that

  • 4mm wall thickness is great! I think we'll keep it that way for now and see how it looks when we print it later.

  • The bottom bit of the cargo compartment can be hollow so that it reduces some of the time and weight while printing.

  • Leaving the location of the heat set inserts marked with m3 holes is good.

  • The geometry of the bits to loop the rubber bands look good but they might not be strong enough, so we thought you could increase them to 4 mm diameter (same as the thickness of the walls) and increase the outer stopper to 5 mm diameter.


Redesign this cutout


Thickness of this section

Author: @Wallace Lee Date: 2024/03/09

  • Redesign a bit of the cargo compartment for that new mount


Readjust the negative space for the mount
  • The bottom bit of the cargo compartment can be hollow so that it reduces some of the time and weight while printing.


Iteration 1


  • Change the holes for heat set insert into 5.1mm holes but the m3 clearence hole center are still there for reference

  • Change the rubber band holders

4mm shaft and 5mm stopper


Author: @Sohee Yoon Date: 2024/03/10

All the updates look good to me!

I was wondering if we should fill up the gap that doesn’t interfere with the aeropanel mounts? Not sure if it’ll be necessary. I would like to know @Evan Janakievski and @Wallace Lee opinions.

Filling up the floor and wall gap

I don’t think this will be a major issue since we aren’t gonna use the top mounts in the next iteration but something to keep in mind is that the top of the cargo compartment does interfere with the aeropanel mounts.

Interference between Top mount and Cargo Compartment

Author: @Wallace Lee Date: 2024/03/10

Interference: I think the cargo can be moved slightly to the right as there are enough space for that and it wouldn’t interfere with the mount on the other side

Move compartment to the right

I filled in the gap a little bit so that it has a 4mm wall there as well


Author: @Evan Janakievski Date: 2024/03/11

The top mounts are not a worry about interfering with the cargo compartment. The new design will be slimmer and won’t come as far down. I like the filling in of the gap by the mounts, it looks better like that and

Moving the compartment would allow better access for placing cargo in the spaces if the door does not open all of the wall in front of it. However, we can also just leave it centered as it is not really affecting anything at the moment.

@Sohee Yoon do you think we can move the aeropanel mount to be closer to the cf tube that way the corner of it is not interfering with the cargo compartment? This might also help with the door being able to fully cover the cargo and not needing to end part way through it. After I get the mounts finalized, we might also be able to just add some height to the cargo compartment to just avoid the mount on the bottom completely.

Author: @Sohee Yoon Date: 2024/03/16

Update to aeropanel mounts (only bottom):

  • Changed the sizing by bringing in the holes 7 mm.

  • Updated the aero-panel holes to align with mounts.

  • The empty space between aeropanel mounts and cf tubes is 2 mm.

  • I wasn’t able to completely move the aeropanel mounts to avoid interfering with the cargo compartment but hopefully it helps with the door.

  • Side panel holes for the mounts were not changed vertically but if we find that the aeropanel mounts might need some adjustment in height we can do that.


Current spacing between cf tube and aeropanel mount


Current layout

Author: @Alison Thompson Date: 2024/03/27




  • This is looking good!

  • Would suggest pushing it back up against the far wall and removing the back face of the compartments, this will let us use way less material

  • I am a little bit concerned the knobs for elastics are going to snap off, but worth printing as is to test

  • We can probably use 4 mounting holes instead of 5

  • I like the cutout for underneath for weight, worried when we print out of LW PLA it will be messy and require supports, maybe first rev we do this and if it prints gross we can fill it in

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