Yaw Axis Aluminum Servo Mount Two

Yaw Axis Aluminum Servo Mount Two


Big Project


Project Manager

Big Project


Project Manager

Antenna Tracker

Yaw Axis

@Arjun Mandair

Task Description

We currently have a Yaw Servo for the Antenna tracker, however, the plan is to build two Antenna Tracker. The current Servo mount utilized is discontinued on ServoCity. Therefore, a new servo, along with a new gearbox, is required.

The picture below shows the current yaw-servo utilized, alongside its tripod head (Note we are mounting the Antenna Trackers to tripods). You may use this as a guide. This file can be found in COMP2024/Antenna Tracker/Yaw-and-Pitch Antenna Tracker/ANTENNA_TRACKER_06_SERVO_MOUNT.

There are two step files you must utilize from ServoCity. There links can be found here:

You must also utilize SolidWorks Sheet metal for all your parts that utilize sheet metal.

Note that you must also create the baseplate if the dimensions are different.

Also Note that the back aluminum part (the part that kind of hugs the servo all around) should be avoided. Try to use L-bracket parts (like the two in the front) instead.

Lastly, we only have two tripods. This requires you to CAD the other tripod stand (similar to the one below) and mount to that.

Servo Mount (Current)
Servo Mount Mechanism




Written By

Append Date


Written By

Append Date

Utilizes Sheet Metal (if bent, 14gage, if not, 1/8in)

@Arjun Mandair

Jan 27, 2024

Utilizes STEP files

@Arjun Mandair

Jan 27, 2024

Created both the mount and baseplate

@Arjun Mandair

Jan 27, 2024

Baseplate adheres to standards (proper hole dimensioning for standoffs, 30mm by 30mm M3 Clearance Holes, compatible with gearbox)

@Arjun Mandair

Jan 27, 2024

Compatible with Large Tripod to M6 Cutouts

@Arjun Mandair

Jan 27, 2024



Asana Task



Asana Task


@Sohee Yoon @Sohee Yoon


Jan 27, 2024

Task Progression/Updates

Author: @Sohee Yoon Date: 2024/01/31

#1 Progress:

Current design:

  • Similar to original but adjustments were made on dimensions because of the new gearbox and servo.

    • Possible redesign for brackets (cover bottom holes)?

    • Will need to change baseplate for black tripod



Author: @Sohee Yoon Date: 2024/02/13

#2 Progress:

Update on design:


  • For the sheet metal, ensure that the two are symmetrical. There is interference with the tripod stand as shown in the screenshot

    • Added a mirrored configuration

  • I see why you have the holes there. Just ensure that this space is sufficient enough to fit the screws.

    • M6 holes, I added 10 mm on either side for clearance (10 mm from the center of the hole)

  • Please change the name of the servo assembly in PDM to adhere to our naming conventions.

    • Yup, got that done

  • I understand why you sheet metal is elongated (because of the tripid) but see if you can make it closer (It's okay if you can't).

    • I made it shorter, but I’m sure if I should also change the baseplate dimensions because of this.


Author: @Alison Thompson Date: 2024/02/16


Arjun asked me if I think we should use countersunk bolts for this as it was discussed for a future iteration to fix some of the flexing in these plates. I think there’s a chance you will have the same problem in this design with the bent plate flexing, so yes. Essentially a countersunk bolt will allow you to bolt much closer to the bend without having to worry about the bolt head or a nut being in the way of the tripod. Just ensure the bolts are installed and tightened before mounting on the tripod (it will be impossible to access otherwise). You could alternatively add tapped holes in the baseplate and use short bolts that won’t interfere with the tripod, I may prefer this solution because it will make assembly and maintenance easier, but it is subject to there being short enough bolts for this available so please look into this before designing. Not sure if this is the doc to put this in, but I also think if you are remaking the baseplate for this design you should change the holes for bolts to mount to the tripod to be tapped M6 holes so it is easier to assemble.


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