


Action Items



Action Items

@Avani Joshi



@Jason Skells

  • Improving some of the explanations in the power MOSFETs page

  • Look at more MOSFETS and pick one for the motor controller

    • would be good to find out what motor we’re going to be using so we can pick appropriate FETs

@Kevin Li

  • Completed documentation on current sense amplifiers (differential and instrumentation amplifiers, common and differential mode filtering)


@Kiran Surendran

  • Benchmarking a bunch of drone hardware systems

  • Benchmarking sensors stacks

  • IMU research

  • GPS receiver research

  • VectorNAV comparison

  • H7 MCU research

  • More sensor research

  • More MCU research since 0 stock for almost everything

@Lance Bantoto (Deactivated)



@Muhammad Tanveer

  • Continued research into Power MOSFETs and read over the current sense and MOSFET docs

  • Connect with Lance about next steps and regarding BMS chip selection